Οβρίγκας Ποταμός

Ποταμοί Ασίας Ποταμοί Ευρώπης Ποταμοί Αφρικής Ποταμοί Βόρειας Αμερικής Ποταμοί Νότιας Αμερικής Ποταμοί Ωκεανίας

Οβρίγκας Ποταμός (Ahr) Μοσέλλας Ποταμός (Mosel) Νάβας Ποταμός (Nahe) Λόγανος Ποταμός (Lahn) Μοίνος Ποταμός (Main)

- Παραπόταμος του Ρήνου
Πρότυπο:Rivers /Galatia
Η ονομασία "[[]]" σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[]]"
- Ο ποταμός αυτός εκβάλλει στην Αδριατική Θάλασσα
- Οι παραπόταμοί του είναι:
Ptolemy (2.10.17) makes the Obringas river the boundary between Lower and Upper Germania.
The most southern place in Lower Germania according to his map is Moguntiacum (Μοκοντιακόν), Mainz.
He places in the following order the cities of Upper Germania, which are south of the Obringas:
- Noeomagus (Speier),
- Borbetomagus (Worms),
- Argentoratum (Strassburg), and so on.
But Worms is north of Speier; and the relative position of these two places is therefore wrong in Ptolemy.
He has also placed [p. 2.460] Mogontiacum in Lower Germania, but it was the chief place of Upper Germania.
Ptolemy has not mentioned the Mosella (Mosel), and some geographers have assumed that it is the Obringas; but if this is so, the position of Mainz is wrong in Ptolemy, for Mainz is south of the Mosel.
D'Anville observes that, according to the Notit. Imp., the district of the general who resided at Mainz comprehended Antunnacum or Andernach, on the Rhine, which is below the junction of the Mosel and the Rhine.
If Andernach was always in the Upper Germania, and if the boundary between the Lower and the Upper Germania was a river-valley, there is none that seems so likely to have been selected as the rugged valley of the Ahr, which lies between Bonn and Andernach, and separates the netherlands or lowlands on the north from the hilly country on the south.
Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]
- Ποταμός
- Ποταμοί Ασίας
- Ποταμοί Ευρώπης
- Ποταμοί Αφρικής
- Ποταμοί Βόρειας Αμερικής
- Ποταμοί Νότιας Αμερικής
- Ποταμοί Ωκεανίας
- Ευρώπη
- Γαλλία
- Ποταμοί Γαλατίας
- Γαλατία
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