Συριακή Αντιόχεια[]
There have been several Battles of Antioch fought in or near the Syrian city of Antioch due to its strategic location on the Orontes River:
- 1η Μάχη της Αντιόχειας. In the Battle of Antioch (145 BC), Ptolemy VI Philometor of Egypt overthrew the Seleucid king Alexander Balas but died in battle. This battle is also known as the Battle of the Oenoparus.
- 2η Μάχη της Αντιόχειας. In the Battle of Antioch (218), Elagabalus defeated Macrinus and become Roman emperor.
- 1η Πολιορκία της Αντιόχειας (540). Κατάληψη και καταστροφή από τον Χορσόη Α'
- 2η Πολιορκία της Αντιόχειας (611).
- 3η Μάχη της Αντιόχειας. In the Battle of Antioch (613), a Persian Army defeated a Byzantine army led by Heraclius.
- 3η Πολιορκία της Αντιόχειας, 969 Κατάληψη από Βυζαντινούς
- 4η Πολιορκία της Αντιόχειας. In the Siege of Antioch (1097–1098), soldiers of the First Crusade took the city and were besieged in turn.
- 5η Πολιορκία της Αντιόχειας. In the Siege of Antioch (1268), Sultan Baibars of Egypt overthrew the crusader kingdom of Antioch.
Μαιάνδρεια Αντιόχεια[]
- Μάχη της Μαιάνδρειας Αντιόχειας (1211)
Πισιδική Αντιόχεια[]
- Μάχη της Πισιδικής Αντιόχειας (= Μάχη των Βασιλικών Θερμών, 979 Yalvaç, Isparta (= Αντιόχεια της Πισιδίας))