Science Wiki




Τοπολογική Προώθηση
Τοπολογική Ανάσυρση


Τοπολογικός Χάρτης
Τοπολογική Ανάσυρση


Ανάσυρση (pullback)


Ανάσυρση (pullback)
Προώθηση (pushforward)


Μαθηματική Ανάσυρση


Μαθηματική Ανάσυρση


Μαθηματική Ανάσυρση
Μαθηματική Προώθηση


Ανάσυρση (pullback)
Προώθηση (pushforward)



- Μία διαδικασία.


Η ονομασία "Ανάσυρση" σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "σάρωση".


Στο σχήμα (1) we consider two manifolds M and N, (possibly of different dimension), with coordinate systems xμ and yν, respectively.

We imagine that we have a map:

and a function:


It is obvious that we can compose the map φ with the functionf to construct a map:


which is simply a function on manifold M.

Such a construction is, sufficiently, useful that it gets its own name; we define the pullback of the function f by the map φ, denoted , by

The name makes sense, since we think of as "pulling back" the function f from manifold N to manifold M.


In mathematics, a pullback is either of two different, but related processes: precomposition and fibre-product.

Its "dual" is pushforward measure.


Precomposition with a function probably provides the most elementary notion of pullback:

in simple terms, a function f of a variable y, where y itself is a function of another variable x, may be written as a function of x.

This is the pullback of f by the function y.

It is such a fundamental process, that it is often passed over without mention, for instance in elementary calculus: this is sometimes called omitting pullbacks, and pervades areas as diverse as fluid mechanics and differential geometry.

However, it is not just functions that can be "pulled back" in this sense.

Pullbacks can be applied to many other objects such as differential forms and their cohomology classes.



The notion of pullback as a fibre-product ultimately leads to the very general idea of a categorical pullback, but it has important special cases:

The pullback bundle is perhaps the simplest example that bridges

  • the notion of a pullback as precomposition, and
  • the notion of a pullback as a cartesian square.

In that example, the base space of a fiber bundle is pulled back, in the sense of precomposition, above.

The fibers then travel along with the points in the base space at which they are anchored: the resulting new pullback bundle looks locally like a cartesian product of the new base space, and the (unchanged) fiber.

The pullback bundle then has two projections:

  • one to the base space,
  • the other to the fiber;

the product of the two becomes coherent when treated as a fiber product.


Functional analysis[]

When the pullback is studied as an operator acting on function spaces, it becomes a linear operator, and is known as the composition operator. Its adjoint is the push-forward, or, in the context of functional analysis, the transfer operator.


The relation between the two notions of pullback can perhaps best be illustrated by sections of fibre bundles: if s is a section of a fibre bundle E over N, and f is a map from M to N, then the pullback (precomposition) of s with f is a section of the pullback (fibre-product) bundle f*E over M.

pushforward & pullback[]

The tangent linear application (often called pushforward) can be defined for a differentiable mapping between manifolds.

Given a vector () of the tangent space at a point P, an mapping is defined on the set of functions defined in the environment of that point, which assigns to each function (at real values) the directional derivative of the function according to vector

Taking into account the previous operation of vectors on functions and given the differentiable mapping the tangent linear mapping is defined:

Such that a vector in p is assigned the only vector that makes it true that:


Once the tangent linear mapping has been defined, the cotangent (or pullback) mapping can be defined on 1-forms as:


Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]



Ikl Κίνδυνοι ΧρήσηςIkl

Αν και θα βρείτε εξακριβωμένες πληροφορίες
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- Όχι, στις διαφημίσεις που περιέχουν απαράδεκτο περιεχόμενο (άσεμνες εικόνες, ροζ αγγελίες κλπ.)
