Δαρείος ο Συνωμότης
- Πρίγκιπας-Διάδοχος της Περσικής Αυτοκρατορίας.
- Χρονική Περίοδος Ακμής: Κλασσική Εποχή, 4ος Αιώνας π.Χ..
- Γέννηση:
- Θάνατος:
Tο όνομα "Δαρείος" είναι ελληνoποίηση του ονόματος "Dārayawuš" της Περσικής Γλώσσας.
- Οίκος: Αχαιμενίδες.
- Μητέρα: Στάτειρα Α' η Πρεσβύτερη, θυγατέρα Υδάρνου του Αφανούς
- Αδελφοί:
- Αριάσπης (ή Αριαράθης) ο Αυτόχειρ, δευτερότοκος, αυτοκτόνησε
- Αρταξέρξης Γ' Ώχος, τριτότοκος
- Άτοσσα Β' η Καλλίστη, σύζυγος του πατέρα της, Αρταξέρξου Β' του Μνήμονος και στην συνέχεια του αδελφού της, Αρταξέρξου Γ' Ώχου
και αρκετοί νόθοι
- Σύζυγος:
- Τέκνα: Αρβουπάλης
Τα σημαντικότερα ιστορικά γεγονότα, κατά την διάρκεια του βίου του, είναι:
Son of Artaxerxes II (405-359 B.C.E.).
Artaxerxes II designated Darius, his son by Stateira (Plutarch, Artoxerxes 26.1) and already fifty years old, as coruler and successor, in order to avoid riot and war between his legitimate sons, comparable to the quarrels at his own accession.
Artaxerxes’ second wife, Atossa, however, favored Darius’ younger brother Ochus, who was of a brutal and impetuous character (Plutarch, Artoxerxes 26.2-4; cf. Justin 10.1.2-3).
On the occasion of his appointment Darius asked his father for the gift of Aspasia, a beautiful woman of Phocean birth, who had come into the harem of Cyrus the Younger and then of Artaxerxes, who esteemed and loved her greatly (Plutarch, Artoxerxes 26.5-27.3; Justin, 10.2.1-6). According to an ancient custom, the king was required to give her to his son, but not much later he appointed her priestess of Anaitis (see ANĀHĪD ii) in Ecbatana, thus effectively taking her away from him (Plutarch, Artoxerxes 27.4).
In his irritation and fear of a change in the succession and incited by a certain Τιρίβαζος (Tiribazus) (perhaps the famous satrap of Armenia and then of Lydia), Darius plotted against his father (Plutarch, Artoxerxes 27.5-28.5; cf. Justin 10.2.5). The conspiracy was exposed by a eunuch, and Darius was unanimously sentenced to death by the royal judges and executed (Plutarch, Artoxerxes 29.1, 29.8-10).
The chronology of these events cannot be ascertained precisely; they are commonly dated to 362 or 361 B.C.E. (on the basis of which Darius’ birth date is given as ca. 412 B.C.E.), but this date is far from convincing. It is not even certain that the events unfolded in immediate succession.
Darius’ son Arbupales was one of the Persian leaders killed at the battle of Granicus in 334 B.C.E.
Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]
- A. T. Olmstead, History of the Persian Empire, Chicago, 1948, p. 424.
- [H.] Swoboda, “Darius 5,” in Pauly-Wissowa IV/2, col. 2211.
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