Ηγεμόνες Ιλλυρίας
Ακολουθεί κατάλογος των βασιλέων της Ιλλυρίας.
Πρότυπο:Rulers /Illyria
- Ύλλος, Hyllus whose death was recorded in 1225 B.C. [Trojan Ilus, Ilios, Hittite, Wilusa, Hattusili, Hantili]
- Βάρδυλις Α',Bardylis - Usurper and founder of this dynasty. Reigned 385 to 358 BC.
- Γράβος, Grabus - Attested in 356 BC.
- Πλευράτος Α', Pleuratus - Testified in 344 BC.
- Κλείτος, Kleitus - Son of Bardylis. Attested in 335 BC.
- Γλαυκίας, Glaucias - Ruler of the Taulanti and then Illyrian king from 317 to 303 BC.
- Βάρδυλις Β', Bardylis II - Attested in 295 to 290 BC he was the son of Kleitus.
- Μονύκιος, Monunius - Attested in 280 BC.
- Μυτίλιος, Mytilius- Attested about 270 BC.
- Πλευράτος Β', Pleuratus - Founder of this dynasty. Attested in 260 BC (?).
- Άγρων ,
Agron - Son of Pleuratus. Reigned from 250 to 230 BC.
- Πίννης , Pinnes - Reigned from 230 to 217 BC.
- Σκερδιλαΐδας, Scerdilaidas - Reigned from 212 to 206 BC.
- Πλευράτος Γ' , Pleuratus - Son of Scerdilaidas. Reigned from 205 to 180 BC.
- Γέντιος, Gentius - Son of Pleuratus. Ruled from 180 to 168 BC.
Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]
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