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Ηγεμόνες Σουμερίας

Sumerian Rulers, Sumerian King List,

Mesopotamian dynasties


Μέσο-Σουμεριακή Εποχή Ηγεμόνες Μέσο-Σουμεριακής Εποχής

Σουμερία (Sumer) Ηγεμόνες Σουμερίας
Ακκαδία (Akkad) Ηγεμόνες Ακκαδίας
Ελυμαΐς (Elam) Ηγεμόνες Ελυμαΐδας

Αδάβεια (Adab) Ηγεμόνες Αδάβειας
Ωρύγεια (Uruk) Ηγεμόνες Ωρύγειας
Ώρεια (Ur) Ηγεμόνες Ώρειας
Αξάγεια (Akshak) Ηγεμόνες Αξάγειας
Κίσεια (Kish) Ηγεμόνες Κίσειας
Λαγάσεια (Lagash) Ηγεμόνες Λαγάσειας
Ώμμεια (Umma) Ηγεμόνες Ώμμειας

Λάρισα (Larsa) Ηγεμόνες Λάρισας
Ισίνεια (Isin) Ηγεμόνες Ισίνειας
Εσνύννεια (Esnunna) Ηγεμόνες Εσνύννειας
Μάρεια (Mari) Ηγεμόνες Μάρειας

Ασσυρία Ηγεμόνες Ασσυρίας
Βαβυλωνία Ηγεμόνες Βαβυλωνίας
Μιταννία (Mitanni) Ηγεμόνες Μιταννίας
Ουραρτία (Urartu) Ηγεμόνες Ουραρτίας
Χετταϊκή Αυτοκρατορία (Hatti) Ηγεμόνες Χετταϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας
Αιγυπτιακή Αυτοκρατορία (Egypt) Ηγεμόνες Αιγυπτιακής Αυτοκρατορίας

Αμορραίοι Αραμαίοι Χαναναίοι

The Sumerian King List is an ancient manuscript originally recorded in the Sumerian language, listing kings of Sumer (ancient southern Iraq) from Sumerian and neighboring dynasties, their supposed reign lengths, and the locations of "official" kingship. Kingship was believed to have been handed down by the gods, and could be transferred from one city to another, reflecting perceived hegemony in the region.[1] Throughout its Bronze Age existence, the document evolved into a political tool. Its final and single attested version, dating to the Middle Bronze Age, aimed to legitimize Isin's claims to hegemony when Isin was vying for dominance with Larsa and other neighboring city-states in southern Mesopotamia.[1][2]


The list blends prehistorical, presumably mythical predynastic rulers with implausibly lengthy reigns with later, more plausibly historical dynasties. Although the primal kings are historically unattested, this does not preclude their possible correspondence with historical rulers who were later mythicized. Some Assyriologists view the predynastic kings as a later fictional addition.[1][3] Only one ruler listed is known to be female: Kug-Bau "the (female) tavern-keeper", who alone accounts for the Third Dynasty of Kish. The earliest listed ruler whose historicity has been archaeologically verified is En-me-barage-si of Kish, ca. 2600 BC. Reference to this individual in the Epic of Gilgamesh has led to speculation that Gilgamesh himself may be historical. Three dynasties are notably excluded from the list: the Larsa dynasty, which vied for power with the (included) Isin dynasty during the Isin-Larsa period; and the two dynasties of Lagash, which respectively preceded and ensued the Akkadian Empire, when Lagash exercised considerable influence in the region. Lagash in particular is known directly from archaeological artifacts dating from ca. 2500 BC. The list is important to the chronology of the 3rd millennium BC. However, the fact that many of the dynasties listed reigned simultaneously from varying localities makes it difficult to reproduce a strict linear chronology.[1]


The following extant ancient sources contain the Sumerian King List, or fragments:

  • WB 62
  • WB 444 (Weld-Blundell Prism) [4]
  • Kish Tablet (Scheil dynastic tablet)
  • UCBC 9-1819 ("California Tablet")
  • Dynastic Chronicle (ABC 18)[5] including copies, K 11261+ and K 12054
  • Babyloniaca (Berossus)
  • Apkullu-list (W.20030, 7)

The first two sources (WB) are a part of the "Weld-Blundell collection", donated by Herbert Weld Blundell to the Ashmolean Museum. WB 62 is a small clay tablet, inscribed only on the obverse, unearthed from Larsa. It is the oldest dated source (c. 2000 BC) containing the list.[6] WB 444 in contrast is a unique inscribed vertical prism,[1][7][8][9] dated c. 1817 BC, although some scholars prefer c. 1827 BC.[10] The Kish Tablet or Scheil dynastic tablet is an early 2nd millennium BC tablet which came into possession of Jean-Vincent Scheil; it only contains king list entries for four Sumerian cities.[11] UCBC 9-1819 is a clay tablet housed in the collection of the Museum of Anthropology at the University of California.[12] The tablet was inscribed during the reign of the Babylonian King Samsu-iluna, or slightly earlier, with a minimum date of 1712 BC.[13] The Dynastic Chronicle (ABC 18) is a Babylonian king list written on six columns, beginning with entries for the antideluvian Sumerian rulers. K 11261+[14] is one of the copies of this chronicle, consisting of three joined Neo-Assyrian fragments discovered at the Library of Ashurbanipal.[15] K 12054 is another of the Neo-Assyrian fragments from Uruk (c. 640 BC) but contains a variant form of the antediluvians on the list. The later Babylonian and Assyrian king lists, preserved the earliest portions of the list well into the 3rd century BC, when Berossus' Babyloniaca popularized fragments of the list in the Hellenic world. In 1960, the Apkullu-list (Tablet No. W.20030, 7) or “Uruk List of Kings and Sages” (ULKS) was discovered by German archaeologists at an ancient temple at Uruk. The list, dating to c. 165 BC, contains a series of kings, equivalent to the Sumerian antediluvians called "Apkullu".[16]


Early dates are approximate, and are based on available archaeological data; for most pre-Akkadian rulers listed, this king list is itself the lone source of information. Beginning with Lugal-zage-si and the Third Dynasty of Uruk (which was defeated by Sargon of Akkad), a better understanding of how subsequent rulers fit into the chronology of the ancient Near East can be deduced. The short chronology is used here.

Προ-Κατακλυσμιαία Εποχή (ante-diluvian)[]

None of the following predynastic "antediluvian" rulers has been verified as historical via archaeological excavations, epigraphical inscriptions, or otherwise. It is possible that they correspond to the Early Bronze Age Jemdet Nasr period culture which ended approximately 2900 BC, immediately preceding the dynasts,[17] if they were not purely mythological inventions.

The following reigns were measured in Sumerian numerical units known as sars (units of 3600), ners (units of 600), and sosses (units of 60).[18]

Ηγεμόνες Προ-Κατακλυσμιαίας Σουμερίας
Προκατακλυσμιαίες Δυναστείες
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
"After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years."
Alulim 8 sars (28,800 years)
Between 35th and 30th century BC
Alalngar 10 sars (36,000 years)
"Then Eridug fell and the kingship was taken to Bad-tibira."
En-men-lu-ana 12 sars (43,200 years)
En-men-gal-ana 8 sars (28,800 years)
Dumuzid, the Shepherd  10 sars  (36,000 years) "the shepherd"
"Then Bad-tibira fell and the kingship was taken to Larag."
En-sipad-zid-ana 8 sars (28,800 years)
"Then Larag fell and the kingship was taken to Zimbir."
En-men-dur-ana 5 sars and 5 ners (21,000 years)
"Then Zimbir fell and the kingship was taken to Shuruppag."
Ubara-Tutu 5 sars and 1 ner (18,600 years)
"Then the flood swept over."
Excavations in Iraq have revealed evidence of localized flooding at Shuruppak (modern Tell Fara, Iraq) and various other Sumerian cities. A layer of riverine sediments, radiocarbon dated to ca. 2900 BC, interrupts the continuity of settlement, extending as far north as the city of Kish. Polychrome pottery from the Jemdet Nasr period (3000-2900 BC) was discovered immediately below the Shuruppak flood stratum.[19]

First Dynasty of Kish[]

Ηγεμόνες Κίσειας
1η Κίσεια Δυναστεία (α' μέρος)
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
"After the flood had swept over,
and the kingship had descended from heaven,
the kingship was in Kish."
Jushur Ιώσωρ c. 2900
(1200 years)
Kullassina-bel Κύλλας c. 2890
960 years
Nangishlishma Ναγίσιλος c. 2880
670 years
En-tarah-ana Ένταρνος c. 2870
420 years
Babum Βαύος c. 2860
300 years
Puannum Πύαννος c. 2850
840 years
Kalibum Κάλυβος c. 2840
960 years
Kalumum Κάλαμος c. 2830
840 years
Zuqaqip Ζύκικος c. 2820
900 years
Ηγεμόνες Κίσειας
1η Κίσεια Δυναστεία (β' μέρος)
Atab (or A-ba) Άταβος c. 2800
600 years
Mashda Μάσδας c. 2780
840 years
"the son of Atab"
Arwium Άρβιος c. 2770
720 years
"the son of Mashda"
Etana Ετάνης
ο Μέγας
c. 2750
1500 years
"the shepherd, who ascended to heaven and consolidated all the foreign countries"
Balih Βάλιχος c. 2730
400 years
"the son of Etana"
En-me-nuna Έμμενος c. 2710
660 years
Melem-Kish Μέλμεκος c. 2690
900 years
'"the son of En-me-nuna"
Barsal-nuna Βαρσάλινος c. 2670
1200 years
("the son of En-me-nuna")*
Zamug Ζάμυγος c. 2650
140 years
"the son of Barsal-nuna"
Tizqar Τίσακωρ c. 2630
305 years
"the son of Zamug"
Ilku Ίλκος c. 2610
900 years
Iltasadum Ιλτοσάδης c. 2590
1200 years
En-me-barage-si Εμμεβραγέσης
ο Μεγαλοπρεπής
ca. 2560 BC
900 years
"who made the land of Elam submit"
the earliest ruler on the List confirmed
independently from epigraphical evidence
Aga Άγγης
ο Αγέρωχος
ca. 2530 BC
625 years
"the son of En-me-barage-si"
contemporary with Gilgamesh of Uruk, according to the Epic of Gilgamesh[6] Gilgameš and Aga Translation at ETCSL
"Then Kish was defeated and the kingship was taken to E-ana."

First Dynasty of Uruk[]

Ηγεμόνες Ωρύγειας
1η Ωρύγεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Mesh-ki-ang-gasher of E-ana 2600 - 2580 π.Χ.
324 years
"the son of Utu"
"Mesh-ki-ang-gasher entered the sea and disappeared."
Enmerkar 2580 - 2470 π.Χ.
420 years
"the son of Mesh-ki-ang-gasher, the king of Unug, who built Unug (Uruk)"
Lugalbanda 2570 - 2460 π.Χ.
1200 years
"the shepherd"
Dumuzid (Dumuzi) 2560 - 2540 π.Χ.
100 years
"the fisherman whose city was Kuara."
("He captured En-me-barage-si single-handed.")*
Gilgamesh 2540 - 2518 π.Χ.
126 years
"whose father was a phantom (?), the lord of Kulaba"
contemporary with Aga of Kish, according to the Epic of Gilgamesh[20]
Ur-Nungal 2518 - 2488 π.Χ.
30 years
"the son of Gilgamesh"
Udul-kalama 2488 - 2473 π.Χ.
15 years
"the son of Ur-Nungal"
La-ba'shum 2473 - 2464 π.Χ.
9 years
En-nun-tarah-ana 2464 - 2456 π.Χ.
8 years
or Mesilim (?)
2456 - 2420 π.Χ.
36 years
"the smith"
Melem-ana 2420 - 2414 π.Χ.
6 years
Lugal-kitun 2414 - 2378 π.Χ.
36 years
"Then Unug was defeated and the kingship was taken to Urim (Ur)."

First dynasty of Ur[]

Ηγεμόνες Ώρειας
1η Ώρεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Mesh-Ane-pada 2440 - 2410 π.Χ.
80 years
ca. 26th century BC
Mesh-ki-ang-Nanna 2410 - 2390 π.Χ.
36 years
"the son of Mesh-Ane-pada"
Elulu 2410 - 2380 π.Χ.
25 years
Balulu 2380 - 2370 π.Χ.
36 years
"Then Urim was defeated and the kingship was taken to Awan."

Dynasty of Awan[]

Ηγεμόνες Αβάνειας
Αβάνεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Three kings of Awan 356 years
ca. 26th century BC
"Then Awan was defeated and the kingship was taken to Kish."

Second Dynasty of Kish[]

Ηγεμόνες Κίσειας
2η Κίσεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Susuda 201 years "the fuller" ca. 26th century BC
Dadasig 81 years
Mamagal 360 years "the boatman"
Kalbum 195 years "the son of Mamagal"
Tuge 360 years
Men-nuna 180 years "the son of Tuge"
(Πρότυπο:Not a typo-Ishtar) 290 years
Lugalngu 360 years
"Then Kish was defeated and the kingship was taken to Hamazi."

The First Dynasty of Lagash (ca. 2500 – ca. 2271 BC) is not mentioned in the King List, though it is well known from inscriptions

Dynasty of Hamazi[]

Ηγεμόνες Αμάζειας
Αμάζεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Hadanish 360 years ca. 2500 BC
"Then Hamazi was defeated and the kingship was taken to Unug (Uruk)."

Second Dynasty of Uruk[]

Ηγεμόνες Ωρύγειας
2η Ωρύγεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
En-shag-kush-ana 2376 - 2347 π.Χ.
60 years
ca. 25th century BC
said to have conquered parts of Sumer; then Eannatum of Lagash claims to have taken over Sumer, Kish, and all Mesopotamia.
Lugal-kinishe-dudu or Lugal-ure 2347 - 2327 π.Χ.
120 years
contemporary with Entemena of Lagash
Argandea 2327 - 2320 π.Χ.
7 years
"Then Unug was defeated and the kingship was taken to Urim (Ur)."

Second Dynasty of Ur[]

Ηγεμόνες Ώρειας
2η Ώρεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Nanni 120 years ca. 25th century BC
Mesh-ki-ang-Nanna II 48 years "the son of Nanni"
(?) 2 years
"Then Urim was defeated and the kingship was taken to Adab."

Dynasty of Adab[]

Ηγεμόνες Αδάβειας
1η Αδάβεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Lugal-Ane-mundu 90 years
ca. 25th century BC
said to have conquered all Mesopotamia from the Persian Gulf to the Zagros Mountains and Elam
"Then Adab was defeated and the kingship was taken to Mari."

Dynasty of Mari[]

Ηγεμόνες Μάρειας
Μάρεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Anbu 30 years
ca. 25th century BC
Anba 17 years "the son of Anbu"
Bazi 30 years "the leatherworker"
Zizi of Mari 20 years "the fuller"
Limer 30 years "the 'gudug' priest"
Sharrum-iter 9 years
"Then Mari was defeated and the kingship was taken to Kish."

Third Dynasty of Kish[]

Ηγεμόνες Κίσειας
3η Κίσεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Kug-Bau (Kubaba) 100 years
ca. 25th century BC
"the woman tavern-keeper, who made firm the foundations of Kish"
the only known woman in the King List; said to have gained independence from En-anna-tum I of Lagash and En-shag-kush-ana of Uruk; contemporary with Puzur-Nirah of Akshak, according to the later Chronicle of the É-sagila
"Then Kish was defeated and the kingship was taken to Akshak."

Dynasty of Akshak[]

Ηγεμόνες Αξάγειας
Αξάγεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Unzi 30 years ca. 25th – 24th century BC
Undalulu 6 years
Urur 6 years
Puzur-Nirah 20 years contemporary with Kug-Bau of Kish, according to the later Chronicle of É-sagila
Ishu-Il 24 years
Shu-Suen of Akshak 7 years "the son of Ishu-Il"
"Then Akshak was defeated and the kingship was taken to Kish."

Fourth Dynasty of Kish[]

Ηγεμόνες Κίσειας
4η Κίσεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Puzur-Suen 25 years
ca. 24th – 23rd century BC
"the son of Kug-Bau"
Ur-Zababa ca. 2300 BC
400 (6?) years
"the son of Puzur-Suen"
according to the king list, Sargon of Akkad was his cup-bearer
Zimudar 30 years
Usi-watar 7 years "the son of Zimudar"
Eshtar-muti 11 years
Ishme-Shamash 11 years
(Shu-ilishu)* (15 years)*
Nanniya 7 years
ca. 2303-2296 BC (short)
"the jeweller"
"Then Kish was defeated and the kingship was taken to Unug (Uruk)."

Third Dynasty of Uruk[]

Ηγεμόνες Ωρύγειας
3η Ωρύγεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Lugal-zage-si 25 years
ca. 2296 - 2271 BC (short)
said to have defeated Urukagina of Lagash, as well as Kish and other Sumerian cities, creating a unified kingdom; he in turn was overthrown by Sargon of Akkad
"Then Unug was defeated and the kingship was taken to Agade (Akkad)"

Dynasty of Akkad[]

Ηγεμόνες Ακκαδίας
Ακκαδική Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Sargon of Akkad 40 years
ca. 2270–2215 BC (short)
"whose father was a gardener, the cupbearer of Ur-Zababa, became king, the king of Agade, who built Agade"
defeated Lugal-zage-si of Uruk, took over Sumer, and created the Akkadian Empire
Rimush of Akkad 9 years
ca. 2214–2206 BC (short)
"the son of Sargon"
Man-ishtishu 15 years
ca. 2205–2191 BC (short)
"the older brother of Rimush, the son of Sargon"
Naram-Sin of Akkad 56 years
ca. 2190–2154 BC (short)
"the son of Man-ishtishu"
Shar-kali-sharri 25 years
ca. 2153–2129 BC (short)
"the son of Naram-Sin"
"Then who was king? Who was the king?"
"and the 4 of them ruled for only 3 years"
ca. 2128–2125 BC (short)
Dudu of Akkad 21 years
ca. 2125–2104 BC (short)
Shu-Durul 15 years
ca. 2104–2083 BC (short)
'"the son of Dudu"
Akkad falls to the Gutians
"Then Agade was defeated and the kingship was taken to Unug (Uruk)."

Fourth Dynasty of Uruk[]

(Possibly rulers of lower Mesopotamia contemporary with the Dynasty of Akkad)
Ηγεμόνες Ωρύγειας
4η Ωρύγεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Ur-ningin 7 years
ca. 2091? – 2061? BC (short)
Ur-gigir 6 years "the son of Ur-ningin"
Kuda 6 years
Puzur-ili 5 years
Ur-Utu (or Lugal-melem) 25 years ("the son of Ur-gigir")*
"Unug was defeated and the kingship was taken to the army of Gutium."

The 2nd Dynasty of Lagash (before ca. 2093–2046 BC (short)) is not mentioned in the King List, though it is well known from inscriptions.

Gutian rule[]

Ηγεμόνες Γυτίας
Γυταϊκή Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
"In the army of Gutium, at first no king was famous; they were their own kings and ruled thus for 3 years."
Inkishush 6 years
ca. 2147–2050 BC (short)
Zarlagab 6 years
Shulme (or Yarlagash) 6 years
Silulumesh (or Silulu) 6 years
Inimabakesh (or Duga) 5 years
Igeshaush (or Ilu-An) 6 years
Yarlagab 3 years
Ibate of Gutium 3 years
Yarla (or Yarlangab) 3 years
Kurum 1 year
Apilkin 3 years
La-erabum 2 years mace head inscription
Irarum 2 years
Ibranum 1 year
Hablum 2 years
Puzur-Suen 7 years "the son of Hablum"
Yarlaganda 7 years foundation inscription at Umma
(?) 7 years Si-um or Si-u? — foundation inscription at Umma
Tirigan 40 days defeated by Utu-hengal of Uruk
"Then the army of Gutium was defeated and the kingship taken to Unug (Uruk)."

Fifth Dynasty of Uruk[]

Ηγεμόνες Ωρύγειας
5η Ωρύγεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Utu-hengal conflicting dates (427 years / 26 years / 7 years)
ca. 2055–2048 BC (short)
defeats Tirigan and the Gutians, appoints Ur-Namma governor of Ur
"Then Unug was defeated and the kingship was taken to Urim (Ur)."

Third Dynasty of Ur[]

Ηγεμόνες Ώρειας
3η Ώρεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Ur-Namma (Ur-Nammu) 18 years
ca. 2047–2030 BC (short)
defeats Nammahani of Lagash; contemporary of Utu-hengal of Uruk
Shulgi 46 years
ca. 2029–1982 BC (short)
"the son of Ur-Namma"
possible lunar/solar eclipse 2005 BC
Amar-Suena 9 years
ca. 1981–1973 BC (short)
"the son of Shulgi"
Shu-Suen 9 years
ca. 1972–1964 BC (short)
"the son of Amar-Suena"
Ibbi-Suen 24 years
ca. 1963–1940 BC (short)
"the son of Shu-Suen"
"Then Urim was defeated. The very foundation of Sumer was torn out. The kingship was taken to Isin."

Independent Amorite states in lower Mesopotamia. The Dynasty of Larsa (ca. 1961–1674 BC (short)) from this period is not mentioned in the King List.

Dynasty of Isin[]

Ηγεμόνες Ισίνειας
Ισίνεια Δυναστεία
Ηγεμόνας Εξελληνισμένο
Χρονολογία Ιστορικά Γεγονότα
Ishbi-Erra 33 years
ca. 1953–1730 BC (short)
contemporary of Ibbi-Suen of Ur
Shu-Ilishu 20 years "the son of Ishbi-Erra"
Iddin-Dagan 20 years "the son of Shu-ilishu"
Ishme-Dagan 20 years "the son of Iddin-Dagan"
Lipit-Eshtar 11 years "the son of Ishme-Dagan (or Iddin-Dagan)"
contemporary of Gungunum of Larsa
Ur-Ninurta 28 years ("the son of Ishkur, may he have years of abundance, a good reign, and a sweet life")*
Contemporary of Abisare of Larsa
Bur-Suen 21 years "the son of Ur-Ninurta"
Lipit-Enlil 5 years "the son of Bur-Suen"
Erra-imitti 8 years
Enlil-bani 24 years contemporary of Sumu-la-El of Babylon. During his reign, the king's gardener, to celebrate the New Year was named 'king for a day' then sacrificed, the "king" died during the celebration; Enlil-Bani remained on the throne.
Zambiya 3 years contemporary of Sin-Iqisham of Larsa
Iter-pisha 4 years
Ur-du-kuga 4 years
Suen-magir 11 years
(Damiq-ilishu)* (23 years)* ("the son of Suen-magir")*

* These epithets or names are not included in all versions of the king list.


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 Van De Mieroop, Marc (2004). A History of the Ancient Near East. Blackwell. σελ. 41. ISBN 0-631-22552-8.,M1. 
  2. The spelling of royal names follows the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature
  3. von Soden, Wolfram; Donald G. Schley, translator (1994). The Ancient Orient. Wm. B. Eerdmans. σελ. 47. ISBN 0-8028-0142-0.,M1. 
  4. translation
  5. translation
  6. Langdon, OECT2 (1923), pl. 6.
  7. [1] Stephen Langdon, Historical inscriptions, containing principally the chronological prism, W-B 444, Oxford University Press, 1923
  8. WB-444 High Resolution Image from CDLI. 
  9. WB-444 Line Art from CDLI. 
  10. Ancient Iraq: (Assyria and Babylonia), Peter Roger Stuart Moorey, Ashmolean Museum, 1976; The Sumerian King List, T. Jacobsen, University of Chicago Press, 1939, p. 77.
  11. "The Early Chronology of Sumer and Egypt and the Similarities in Their Culture", S. Langdon, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 7, No. 3/4, Oct., 1921, p. 133. [2]
  12. "The Antediluvian Kings: A University of California Tablet", J. J. Finkelstein, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1963, p. 39.
  13. Finkelstein, 1963, pp.39-40.
  14. Lambert and Millard, Cuneiform Texts 46 Nr. 5
  15. Bilingual Chronicle Fragments, Irving L. Finkel, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, Apr., 1980, pp. 65-80.
  16. A copy of the tablet appears in Jan van Dijk and Werner R. Mayer, Texte aus dem Rès-Heiligtum in Uruk-Warka, Bagdader Mitteilungen Beiheft 2 (Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1980), text no. 89 (= BaMB 2 89). For an edition of the text, see J. van Dijk, Die Inschriftenfunde, Vorläufiger Bericht über die... Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka 18 (1962), 44-52 and plate 27. [3]
  17. Wright, Henry. The Earliest Bronze Age in Southwest Asia (3100-2700 BC). Ανακτήθηκε την 2008-07-04. 
  18. [4] Christine Proust, Numerical and Metrological Graphemes: From Cuneiform to Transliteration, Cuneiform Digital Library Journal, 2009, ISSN 1540-8779
  19. Harriet Crawford, Sumer and the Sumerians, Cambridge University Press, 2004, ISBN 978-0-521-53338-6
  20. [5] Gilgameš and Aga Translation at ETCSL

Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]


  • Jacobsen, Thorkild. The Sumerian King List. Oriental Institute, Assyriological Studies 11, University of Chicago Press, 1939
  • Rowton, M. B. The Date of the Sumerian King List, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 156–162, 1960
  • P. Steinkeller, An Ur III Manuscript of the Sumerian King List. In Literatur, Politik und Recht in Mesopotamien: Festschrift fur Claus Wilcke, ed. W. Sallaberger et al., Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 267–92, 2003
  • Young, Dwight W. The Incredible Regnal Spans of Kish I in the Sumerian King List, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 23–35, 1991
  • Hallo, William W. Beginning and End of the Sumerian King List in the Nippur Recension, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 52–57, 1963
  • Vincente, Claudine-Adrienne, "The Tall Leilan Recension of the Sumerian King List", Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 50 (1995), 234–270
  • Friberg, Jöran. "The Beginning and the End of the Sumerian King List", in A remarkable collection of Babylonian mathematical texts: Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection Cuneiform Texts I, Springer, 2007, ISBN 0-387-34543-4
  • Michalowski, Piotr. History as Charter Some Observations on the Sumerian King List, Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 237–248, 1983
  • Jean-Jacques Glassner, Mesopotamian Chronicles, Brill, 2005, ISBN 90-04-13084-5
  • J. J. Finkelstein, The Antediluvian Kings: A University of California Tablet, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 39–51, 1963
  • Albrecht Goetze, Early Kings of Kish, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 105–111, 1961
  • Thomas Jacobs, The Sumerian King List, UGent paper, GONO department


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