Electric and magnetic fields are derived from the vector potentials and the scalar potential with two formulas:
As an example, the x components are just
Using the definitions we began with can re-write these two equations to look like:
Evaluating all the components results in a second-rank, antisymmetric and covariant tensor:
Hidden beneath the surface of this complex mathematical equation is an ingenious unification of Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism. Consider the electrostatic equation
which tells us that the divergence of the electric field vector is equal to the charge density, and the electrodynamic equation
that is the change of the electric field with respect to time, minus the curl of the magnetic field vector, is equal to negative four pi times the current density.
These two equations for electricity reduce to
is the 4-current.
The same holds for magnetism. If we take the magnetostatic equation
which tells us that there are no "true" magnetic charges, and the magnetodynamics equation
which tells us the change of the magnetic field with respect to time plus the curl of the Electric field is equal to zero (or, alternatively, the curl of the electric field is equal to the negative change of the magnetic field with respect to time). With the electromagnetic tensor, the equations for magnetism reduce to
The field tensor derives its name from the fact that the electromagnetic field is found to obey the tensor transformation law, this general property of (non-gravitational) physical laws being recognised after the advent special relativity. This theory stipulated that all the (non-gravitational) laws of physics should take the same form in all coordinate systems - this led to the introduction of tensors. The tensor formalism also leads to a mathematically elegant presentation of physical laws. For example, Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism may be written using the field tensor as:
In general relativity, these laws can be generalised in (what many physicists consider to be) an appealing way:
where the semi-colon represents a covariant derivative, as opposed to a partial derivative. The elegance of these equations stems from the simple replacing of partial with covariant derivatives, a practice sometimes referred to in the parlance of GR as 'replacing partial with covariant derivatives'. These equations are sometimes referred to as the curved space Maxwell equations. Again, the second equation implies charge conservation (in curved spacetime):
The Lagrangian of quantum electrodynamics extends beyond the classical Lagrangian established in relativity from to incorporate the creation and annihilation of photons (and electrons).
In quantum field theory, it is used for the template of the gauge field strength tensor. That is used in addition to the local interaction Lagrangian, nearly identical to its role in QED.
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