

Αλγεβρική Ορίζουσα
Αλγεβρικό Ίχνος

- Μία τιμή ενός Φυσικού Μεγέθους.
Η ονομασία "Ιδιοτιμή" σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "τιμή".
In linear algebra, an eigenvector or characteristic vector of a linear transformation is a non-zero vector that does not change its direction when that linear transformation is applied to it.
In other words, if v is a vector that is not the zero vector, then it is an eigenvector of a linear transformation T if T(v) is a scalar multiple of v.
This condition can be written as the equation
- ,
where λ is a scalar known as the eigenvalue or characteristic value associated with the eigenvector v.
If the linear transformation T is expressed as a square matrix A, then the equation can be expressed as the matrix multiplication
- where:
- v is a column vector.
For example, the linear transformation could be a differential operator like , in which case the eigenvectors are functions called eigenfunctions that are scaled by that differential operator, such as
- .
Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]
- Ομώνυμο άρθρο στην Βικιπαίδεια
- Ομώνυμο άρθρο στην Livepedia
- slide
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Lee
- αρνός, vidoclip
- Γραμμική Άλγεβρα, Χαραλάμπους
- medium.com
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