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Science Wiki

Μάχαι 2ου Αιώνα π.Χ.



Μάχες Γης
Μάχες Αρχαίας Εποχής
Αρχαία Εποχή
Μάχες Μεσαιωνικής Εποχής
Μεσαιωνική Εποχή
Μάχες Νεότερης Εποχής
Νεότερη Εποχή
Μάχες Σύγχρονης Εποχής
Σύγχρονη Εποχή

Ακολουθεί σύνοψη Χιλιετίας.

Μάχες 1ης Χιλιετίας π.Χ.[]

Ακολουθεί κατάλογος πολέμων.


Έτος Ονομασία Σχολιασμός
198 BC Μάχη του Αώου Ποταμού Roman forces under Titus Quinctius Flamininus defeat the Macedonians under Philip V
197 BC Μάχη των Κυνός Κεφαλών Romans under Flamininus decisively defeats Philip in Thessaly
194 BC Μάχη της Μουτινίας (194 BC) Roman victory over the Gauls
Μάχη του Γυθείου With assistance from Rome, Rhodes and Macedon, Philopoemen of the Achaean League defeats the Spartans under Nabis
191 BC 5η Μάχη των Θερμοπυλών (191 BC) Romans under Manius Acilius Glabrio defeat Antiochus III the Great and force him to evacuate Greece
190 BC 2η Ναυμαχία του Ευρυμέδοντος (190 BC)]] Roman forces under Lucius Aemilius Regillus defeat a Seleucid fleet commanded by Hannibal, fighting his last battle.
Ναυμαχία της Μυοννήσου (Battle of Myonessus) Another Seleucid fleet is defeated by the Romans
December - Μάχη της Μαγνησίας (Battle of Magnesia) (near Smyrna) Romans under Lucius Cornelius Scipio and his brother Scipio Africanus Major defeat Antiochus III the Great in the decisive victory of the war.
189 BC Battle of Mount Olympus Roman and Pergamum forces crushingly defeat the Galatians.
171 BC Battle of Callicinus Perseus of Macedon defeats a Roman army under Publius Licinius Crassus.
168 BC 22 June - 1η Μάχη της Πύδνας Romans under Lucius Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus defeat and capture Macedonian King Perseus, ending the Third Macedonian War
167 BC Μάχη του Χαραμία Ποταμού (Battle of Wadi Haramia) Jewish rebels under Judas Maccabaeus deal a serious blow to the Seleucids, killing their leader Apollonius.
166 BC Μάχη του Beth-Horon The Jewish rebel leader Judas Maccabaeus defeats the Seleucids.
Μάχη της Εμμαούντος Judas Maccabeus again defeats the Seleucids
164 BC Μάχη του Beth-Zur Another victory of Judas Maccabaeus over the Seleucids, leading to the recapture of Jerusalem by the rebels
162 BC Μάχη του Beth-Zachariah The Seleucid regent Lysias defeats the Jewish rebels
161 BC Μάχη των Αδάσων (Battle of Adasa) In his last victory, Judas Maccabaeus defeats the Seleucid general Nicanor.
160 BC Μάχη των Ελάσων (Battle of Elasa) Jewish leader Judas Maccabaeus is defeated and killed by the Selucid army of Bacchides
148 BC 2η Μάχη της Πύδνας (Battle of Pydna (148 BC)) The forces of the Macedonian pretender Andriscus are defeated by the Romans under Quintus Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus in the decisive engagement of the Fourth Macedonian War
146 BC Battle of Carthage (c.149 BC) ends - Scipio Africanus Minor captures and destroys Carthage, ending the Third Punic War
Μάχη της Κορίνθου (Battle of Corinth (146 BC)) The Romans under Lucius Mummius defeat the Achaean League forces of Critolaus, who is killed. Greece comes under direct Roman rule.
145 BC Battle of Antioch Ptolemy VI Philometor defeats the Seleucid usurper Alexander Balas, but is killed in the fighting
133 BC Siege of Numantia Roman forces under Scipio Aemilianus defeat the Celtiberians and sack their capital city.
Battle of Mayi Aborted ambush mission by the Han against invading Xiongnu forces.
129 BC Μάχη των Εκβατάνων (Battle of Ecbatana) The Seleucid King Antiochus VII Sidetes is defeated and killed by the Parthians under Phraates II, ending any pretense of Seleucid control over Media or Mesopotamia.
119 BC Battle of Mobei Han forces decisively defeat the Xiongnu army in the Gobi desert, more than 90,000 die.
112 BC Μάχης της Νωρηίας (Battle of Noreia) Cimbrian victory during Cimbrian War.
108 BC Battle of the Muthul Roman forces under Caecilius Metellus defeat the forces of Jugurtha of Numidia
Battle of Loulan Han forces defeat Loulan.
105 BC 6 October - Μάχη του Αραυσίου (Battle of Arausio) Cimbri inflict a major defeat on the Roman army of Gnaeus Mallius Maximus
102 BC Μάχη των Σεξτίων Πηγών (Battle of Aquae Sextae) The Romans under Gaius Marius defeat Teutons
101 BC Μάχη των Βερκελλών (Battle of Vercellae) The Romans under Marius defeat the Cimbri, who are entirely annihilated.


Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]



Ikl Κίνδυνοι ΧρήσηςIkl

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