Μάχαι 3ου Αιώνα π.Χ.

Μάχες Γης
Μάχες Αρχαίας Εποχής
Αρχαία Εποχή
Μάχες Μεσαιωνικής Εποχής
Μεσαιωνική Εποχή
Μάχες Νεότερης Εποχής
Νεότερη Εποχή
Μάχες Σύγχρονης Εποχής
Σύγχρονη Εποχή
Ακολουθεί σύνοψη Χιλιετίας.
Μάχες 1ης Χιλιετίας π.Χ.[]
- Μάχες 1ου Αιώνα π.Χ.
- Μάχες 2ου Αιώνα π.Χ.
- Μάχες 3ου Αιώνα π.Χ.
- Μάχες 4ου Αιώνα π.Χ.
- Μάχες 5ου Αιώνα π.Χ.
- Μάχες 6ου Αιώνα π.Χ.
- Μάχες 7ου Αιώνα π.Χ.
- Μάχες 8ου Αιώνα π.Χ.
- Μάχες 9ου Αιώνα π.Χ.
- Μάχες 10ου Αιώνα π.Χ.
Year | Name | Summary |
298 BC | Μάχη του Καμερινίου (Battle of Camerinum) | The Samnites defeat the Romans under Lucius Cornelius Scipio in the first battle of the Third Samnite War. |
297 BC | Μάχη του Τιφερνίου (Battle of Tifernum) | Roman forces defeat the Samnites in Umbria. |
295 BC | Μάχη του Σεντινίου (Battle of Sentinum) | The Romans under Fabius Rullianus and Publius Decimus Mus defeat the Samnites and their Etruscan and Gallic allies, forcing the Etruscans, Gauls, and Umbrians to make peace |
293 BC | Μάχη του Ακουιλωνίας (Battle of Aquilonia) | The Romans decisively defeat the Samnites. |
Battle of Yique | Qin forces defeat the allied states of Wei and Han, leading to Qin's further superiority in China. | |
284 BC | Μάχη Αρρητίου | A Roman army under Lucius Caecilius is destroyed by the Gauls. |
283 BC | 2η Μάχη της Βαδιμώνης Λίμνης (Battle of Lake Vadimo (283 BC)) | A Roman army under P. Cornelius Dolabello defeats the Etruscans and Gauls. |
282 BC | Μάχη Ποπουλωνίας | Etruscan resistance to Roman domination of Italy is finally crushed. |
281 BC | Μάχη Κουροπεδίου | Last battle in the wars of the Diadochi. Seleucus defeats and kills Lysimachus. |
280 BC | Μάχη της Ηρακλείας (Battle of Heraclea) | First engagement of Roman and Greek armies, the latter led by Pyrrhus of Epirus, who is victorious. |
279 BC | Μάχη του Άσκυλου | Pyrrhus again defeats the Romans, at a great cost. |
Battle of Thermopylae (279 BC) | A Greek alliance battles invading Gallic forces indecisively. | |
275 BC | 1η Μάχη της Βενεβεντού (Battle of Beneventum (275 BC)) | Pyrrhus fights Rome one last time in this inconclusive draw, but elects to leave Italy afterwards. |
262 BC | Μάχη του Ακράγαντα (Battle of Agrigentum) | Carthaginian forces under Hannibal Gisco and Hanno are defeated by the Romans, giving them control of most of Sicily. |
260 BC | Battle of Changping | Army of Qin under Bai Qi routed army of Zhao and massacred 500,000 prisoners of war. Military superiority of Qin over all other states of China. Unification became a matter of time. |
Ναυμαχία των Λιπάρων Νήσων (Battle of the Lipara Islands) | A Roman naval force is defeated by the Carthaginians | |
Ναυμαχία των Μυλών (Battle of Mylae) | A Roman naval force under C. Duillius defeats the Carthaginian fleet, giving Rome control of the western Mediterranean. | |
258 BC | Ναυμαχία της Κω (Battle of Cos) | Naval victory of Antigonus II Gonatas over Ptolemy II |
Battle of Sulci | Minor Roman naval victory during First Punic War. | |
257 BC | Battle of Tyndaris | Sicilian town captured by Rome. |
256 BC | Ναυμαχία Εκνόμου Ακρωτηρίου (Battle of Cape Ecnomus) | A Carthaginian fleet under Hamilcar and Hanno is defeated in an attempt to stop a Roman invasion of Africa by Marcus Atilius Regulus. |
255 BC | Battle of Adys | The Romans under Regulus defeat the Carthaginians in North Africa |
Μάχη της Τύνιδας (Battle of Tunis) | The Carthaginians under Xanthippus, a Greek mercenary, defeat the Romans under Regulus, who is captured. | |
251 BC | Μάχη Πανόρμου (Battle of Panormus) | Carthaginian forces under Hasdrubal are defeated by the Romans under L. Caecilius Metellus. |
249 BC | Ναυμαχία των Δρεπάνων (Battle of Drepana) | Carthaginians under Adherbal defeat the fleet of Roman admiral Claudius Pulcher. |
246 BC | 1η Ναυμαχία της Άνδρου (Battle of Andros) | Ptolemy III loses the Cyclades to Antigonus II of Macedonia. |
241 BC | Ναυμαχία των Αιγουσών Νήσων (Battle of the Aegates Islands) | Roman sea victory over the Carthaginians, ending the First Punic War |
239 BC | Μάχη Βαγράδα Ποταμού (Battle of the Bagradas River (239 BC)) | Hamilcar defeats mercenary troops, making it the first victory in the Mercenary Wars. |
Battle of "The Saw" | Hamilcar defeats a great mercenary army at Tunis. | |
238 BC | 1η Μάχη της Υτίκης | Rebellious Carthaginian mercenaries are defeated by the loyal troops of Hamilcar Barca |
226 BC | Μάχη της Δύμης (Battle of Dyme) | Sparta defeats the Achaean League decisively, resulting in a peace treaty. |
225 BC | Μάχη της Φαισύλης (Battle of Faesulae) | The Romans are defeated by the Gauls of Northern Italy. |
Μάχη του Τελαμώνα (Battle of Telamon) | The Romans under Aemilius Papus and Caius Atilius Regulus defeat the Gauls. | |
222 BC | Μάχη του Κλαστιδίου (Battle of Clastidium]] | The Romans under Marcus Claudius Marcellus defeat the Gauls. |
222 BC | Μάχη Σελλασίας | Defeat of Cleomenes III of Sparta by Antigonus Doson of Macedon and the Achaean League |
218 BC | Siege of Saguntum | Hannibal of Carthage lays siege on the city of Saguntum in Spain, marking the start of the Second Punic War. |
Ναυμαχία του Λιλύβαιου (Battle of Lilybaeum) | Roman naval forces under Amellius defeat the Carthaginians, ending their attempts to colonize Sicily. | |
Battle of Rhone Crossing | Hannibal defeats the Volcae Gauls, staying undefeated in his march for Italy. | |
November Μάχη του Τικίνου Ποταμού (Battle of the Ticinus]] | Hannibal defeats the Romans under Publius Cornelius Scipio the elder in a small cavalry fight. | |
Μάχη του Τρεβία Ποταμού | Hannibal defeats the Romans under Tiberius Sempronius Longus, who had foolishly attacked. | |
Μάχη της Κίσσας (Battle of Cissa) | Roman forces defeat a Catharginian army under Hanno, controlling the territory north of Ebro river. | |
217 BC | 22 June Μάχη Ραφίας | Antiochus III the Great is defeated by Ptolemy IV. |
24 June Μάχη Τρασιμένης Λίμνης | In an ambush, Hannibal destroys the Roman army of Gaius Flaminius, who is killed. | |
Ναυμαχία του Έβρου Ποταμού (Battle of Ebro River) | Roman naval forces destroy a Carthaginian fleet under Himilco, weakening Carthage's influence in Iberia. | |
Battle of Ager Falernus | Hannibal defeats Roman forces under Quintus Fabius Maximus. | |
Μάχη του Γερωνίου (Battle of Geronium) | Hannibal fights Roman forces in Apulia, resulting in a strategic draw. | |
216 BC | 2 August Μάχη Καννών | Hannibal destroys the Roman army of Lucius Aemilius Paulus and Publius Terentius Varro in what is considered one of the great masterpieces of the tactical art. |
1η Μάχη της Νώλας (First Battle of Nola) | The Roman general Marcus Claudius Marcellus holds off an attack by Hannibal. | |
215 BC | Μάχη της Δερτώσας (Battle of Dertosa) | A Roman army under Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus and Publius Cornelius Scipio destroys Carthaginian forces under Hasdrubal. |
2η Μάχη της Νώλας (Second Battle of Nola) | Marcellus again repulses an attack by Hannibal. | |
Μάχη του Κόρνου (Battle of Cornus) | Roman forces under Torquatus defeat a Carthaginian army under Hamilcar in Sicily. | |
214 BC | 3η Μάχη της Νώλας) (Third Battle of Nola | Marcellus fights an inconclusive battle with Hannibal. |
2η Μάχη του Βενεβεντίου) (Battle of Beneventum (214 BC)) |
Tiberius Gracchus' slave legions defeat Hanno (son of Bomlicar) and, therefore, deny Hannibal his reinforcements. | |
Siege of Syracuse (214–212 BC) | The forces Roman general Marcellus being kept at bay by the inventions of Archimedes. | |
212 BC | Battle of Tarentum (212 BC) | Hannibal defeats a Roman army in southern Italy, strengthening his situation in Italy. |
1η Μάχη της Καπύης (Battle of Capua (212 BC) | Hannibal defeats the consuls Q. Fulvius Flaccus and Appius Claudius, but the Roman army escapes | |
1η Μάχη του Βενεβεντίου (Battle of Beneventum (212 BC)) | Quintus Fulvius Flaccus defeats Hanno the Elder in Southern Italy. | |
1η Μάχη του Σιλάριδος Ποταμού (Battle of the Silarus) | Hannibal destroys the army of the Roman praetor M. Centenius Penula. | |
1η Μάχη της Ερδωνίας (Battle of Herdonia) | Hannibal destroys the Roman army of the praetor Gnaeus Fulvius. | |
211 BC | Battle of the Upper Baetis | Publius and Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio are killed in battle with the Carthaginians under Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal Barca |
2η Μάχη της Καπύης (Second Battle of Capua]] | Hannibal is unable to break the Roman siege of the city. | |
210 BC | 2η Μάχη της Ερδωνίας (Second Battle of Herdonia]] | Hannibal destroys the Roman army of Fulvius Centumalus, who is killed |
Battle of Numistro | Hannibal defeats Marcellus once more | |
209 BC | 1η Μάχη της Λαμίας) (First Battle of Lamia | Philip V of Macedon defeats an Aetolian force under Phyrrhias. |
2η Μάχη της Λαμίας (Second Battle of Lamia) | Philip V of Macedon again defeats Phyrrhias. | |
Battle of the Arius | Antiochus III defeats the Parthians | |
Battle of Asculum | Hannibal once again defeats Marcellus, in an indecisive battle | |
2η Μάχη του Τάραντα (Battle of Tarentum (209 BC)]] | Quintus Fabius Maximus defeats Hannibal's forces. | |
208 BC | Battle of Baecula | The Romans in Spain under P. Cornelius Scipio the Younger defeat Hasdrubal Barca |
207 BC | Μάχη του Γρουμεντίου (Battle of Grumentum) | The Roman general Gaius Claudius Nero fights an indecisive battle with Hannibal, then escapes north to confront Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal Barca, who has invaded Italy |
Battle of Julu | Xiang Yu destroys the main Qin army for control of China | |
Μάχη του Μεταύρου (Battle of the Metaurus]] | Hasdrubal is defeated and killed by Nero's Roman army. | |
Battle of Cartagena (207 BC) | Scipio Africanus Major destroys the Catharginian city of Cartagena in Iberia. | |
3η Μάχη της Μαντινείας (Battle of Mantinea (207 BC)) | Philopoemen of the Achaean League defeats the Spartans under Machanidas, who is killed | |
206 BC | Battle of Ilipa | Scipio again decisively defeats the remaining Carthaginian forces in Spain. |
205 BC | Battle of Jingxing | Han Xin, with an army of 30,000 levies, defeats a numerically larger army of the Zhao near Jingxing (Jing Gorge) |
Battle of Tao River | Han Xin, positioning his army with a river behind them to make them fight to the death, defeats a Zhao army, killing Chen Yu and capturing Zhao Xie, the Prince of Zhao. | |
204 BC | Μάχη του Κρότωνα (Battle of Crotona) | Hannibal fights a drawn battle against the Roman general Sempronius in Southern Italy. |
2η Μάχη της Υτίκης (Battle of Utica (204 BC)) | Scipio Africanus fights the Catharginians and Numidians, ending in a draw. | |
Battle of Wei River | Han Xin defeats a joint Qi and Western Chu army by building a temporary dam, luring his enemies into the river, and opening the dam to drown them. | |
203 BC | Battle of Utica (203 BC) | Publius Cornelius Scipio decisively defeats Catharge under Hasdrubal. |
Μάχη του Βαγράδα Ποταμού (Battle of Bagbrades) | The Romans under Scipio defeat the Carthaginian army of Hasdrubal Gisco and Syphax. Hannibal is sent to return to Africa. | |
Battle of Cirta | Roman forces sack the Numidian capital, decisively defeating Catharge's ally. | |
Po Valley Raid | Roman forces under Varus and Cethegus defeat Mago of Catharge, ending the Second Punic War in Italy. | |
Battle of Guling | ||
202 BC | Μάχη Ζάμας 19 October (Battle of Zama) | Scipio Africanus Major decisively defeats Hannibal in North Africa, ending the Second Punic War |
Battle of Gaixia | The Han forces led by Liu Bang, who was later to become Emperor of China, defeats their Chu opponents. | |
201 BC | Battle of Chios | Philip V of Macedon is defeated at sea by the Rhodians and Pergamese |
2η Ναυμαχία Λάδης (201 BC)]] | Philip V of Macedon defeats Cleonaeus of Rhodes in naval battle. | |
200 BC | Battle of Cremona (200 BC)|Battle of Cremona | Roman forces defeat the Gauls of Cisalpine Gaul |
Battle of Baideng | The army of Han China, attempting to conquer the Xiongnu people living to the north, is defeated and the Chinese Emperor is almost captured. | |
Μάχη του Πάνιου | Antiochus III the Great secures the conquest of Syria and Israel from Egypt with this victory |
Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]
- Μάχη
- Μάχες Αρχαίας Εποχής
- Μάχες Μεσαιωνικής Εποχής
- Μάχες Νεότερης Εποχής
- Μάχες Σύγχρονης Εποχής
- Μάχες 3ης Χιλιετίας π.Χ.
- Μάχες 2ης Χιλιετίας π.Χ.
- Μάχες 1ης Χιλιετίας π.Χ.
- Μάχες 1ης Χιλιετίας μ.Χ.
- Μάχες 2ης Χιλιετίας μ.Χ.
- Μάχες 3ης Χιλιετίας μ.Χ.
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