Science Wiki

Μάχαι 4ου Αιώνα π.Χ.



Μάχες Γης
Μάχες Αρχαίας Εποχής
Αρχαία Εποχή
Μάχες Μεσαιωνικής Εποχής
Μεσαιωνική Εποχή
Μάχες Νεότερης Εποχής
Νεότερη Εποχή
Μάχες Σύγχρονης Εποχής
Σύγχρονη Εποχή

Ακολουθεί σύνοψη Χιλιετίας.

Μάχες 1ης Χιλιετίας π.Χ.[]

Ακολουθεί κατάλογος πολέμων.


Έτος Ονομασία Σχόλιο
398 BC Siege of Motya Phoenician city Motya sacked.
397 BC Battle of Messene Ionian Greek city Messene sacked.
Battle of Catana (397 BC) Greek fleet defeated.
Battle of Syracuse (387 BC) Battle between Syracuse and Carthage. Part of the Sicilian Wars.
396 BC Battle of Veii Romans complete conquest of Etruscans
395 BC Μάχη Αλιάρτου The Spartan general Lysander is killed in a Spartan defeat to the Thebans
394 BC Μάχη Νεμέα Ποταμού (394 BC) Spartans defeat the Thebans, Athenians, Argives and Corinthians.
Ναυμαχία Κνίδου The Spartan fleet under Peisander is utterly destroyed by the Persian-Athenian fleet of Conon
2η Μάχη Κορώνειας (394 BC) King Agesilaus II of Sparta defeats the Thebans.
391 BC Μάχη Λέχαιου Iphicrates of Athens defeats Sparta during the Corinthian War.
390 BC Μάχη Αλλία (390 BC) The Gauls defeat the Romans, leading to the Gallic sack of Rome
389 BC Battle of the Elleporus Dionysius I of Syracuse defeats the Italiote League, securing his domination of Greek Southern Italy.
386 BC Siege of Rhegium Dionysius I of Syracuse conquers the city and sells the inhabitants into slavery.
376 BC Ναυμαχία της Νάξου The Athenians under Chabrias defeat the Spartans at sea.
375 BC Μάχη Τεγύρας Pelopidas of Thebes defeats Sparta.
371 BC Μάχη Λεύκτρων Spartans under king Cleombrotus lose to the Thebans under Epaminondas - Cleombrotus is killed. This ends the period of Spartan domination of Greece
364 BC Μάχη των Κυνός Κεφαλών The Thebans under Pelopidas fight a drawn battle with Alexander of Pherae in Thessaly. Pelopidas is killed
362 BC Μάχη της Μαντινείας (Battle of Mantinea The Thebans and their allies, under Epaminondas, defeat the Spartans and Athenians, but Epaminondas himself is killed, ending the brief period of Theban domination
356 BC Ναυμαχία των Εμπάτων Athenians under Chares, Iphicrates and Timotheos are defeated by the Chians at Chios, Greece.
353 BC Μάχη Κρόκιου Πεδίου Philip II of Macedon defeats the Phocians in the Third Sacred War
Μάχη του Guilling (Battle of Guiling]] Tian Ji and Sun Bin of Qi defeat Pang Juan of Wei at HanDan during the Warring States period of China.
343 BC 1η Μάχη του Πηλουσίου Persians defeat Egyptian forces under Nectanebo II.
342 BC Μάχη του Γαύρου Όρους (Battle of Mount Gaurus) Roman general Marcus Valerius Corvus defeats the Samnites
Μάχη του Maling (Battle of Maling Tian Ji and Sun Bin of Qi again defeat Pang Juan of Wei, this time at Dazhangija Town, at Shen County, in Henan Province.
341 BC Μάχη της Σουεσσούλας (Battle of Suessula) The Roman Republic beats the Samnites, but is forced to withdraw due to the revolt of several of its Latin allies.
340 BC Μάχη Κριμησσού Timoleon defeats the Carthaginian invaders of Sicily
Siege of Byzantium by Philip II of Macedonia
339 BC Μάχη Βεζουβίου (Battle of Vesuvius Romans under P. Decius Mus and T. Manlius Imperiosus defeat the rebellious Latins.
338 BC 2 August - 1η Μάχη Χαιρώνειας (338 BC) Philip of Macedon crushes Athens and Thebes in their struggle to maintain their independence
Μάχη Τριφανίου (Battle of Trifanum Roman general T. Manlius Imperiosus decisively defeats the Latins.
335 BC Battle of Thebes Macedon defeats Thebans and razes the city.
334 BC Μάχη Γρανικού Ποταμού Alexander the Great defeats the Persian army in Western Asia Minor
333 BC Μάχη Ισσού Alexander the Great defeats the main Persian army under King Darius III in northern Syria.
Siege of Gordium Parmenion, in the absence of Alexander, captures the city of Gordium from the Persian Achaemenid Empire, annexing all Anatolia to Macedon.
332 BC Siege of Tyre Alexander the Great besieges the city.
Siege of Gaza Alexander the Great, commander of the Macedonian forces and their Greek allies, takes Gaza from the Persian Batis, gaining Egypt.
331 BC Μάχη Πανδοσίας Alexander of Epirus, the uncle of Alexander the Great, is defeated and killed in Italy by the Samnites.
Μάχη Μεγαλόπολης Antipater, Alexander's regent in Macedon and Greece, defeats the Spartans under King Agis III
Μάχη Γαυγαμήλων 1 October Alexander the Great defeats Darius III in Mesopotamia and conquers Persia
330 BC Battle of the Persian Gate Persians fail to prevent Alexander the Great from taking Persepolis
327 BC Capture of Neapolis The Samnites take the city of Neapolis from Rome.
Siege of the Sogdian Rock Alexander the Great of the now Macedonian Empire takes the fortress of the Sogdian Rock or Rock of Ariamazes from the Sogdians, gaining all Sogdiana.
Siege of Aornos Alexander the Great takes the fortress of Aornos in the gorges of the Upper Indus.
326 BC Μάχη Υδάσπη Ποταμού Alexander defeats the Indian King Porus
322 BC Μάχη Κραννώνας Lamian War
321 BC Μάχη Καυδιανής Στενωπού (Battle of the Caudine Forks) The Romans under Spurius Postumius and T. Verturius Calvinus are defeated by the Samnites under Gaius Pontius.
317 BC Μάχη Παραιτακηνής Antigonus Monophthalmus vs. Eumenes
316 BC Μάχη της Λαυτούλης (Battle of Lautulae) The Romans are defeated by the Samnites.
Μάχη Γαβιηνής Antigonus Monophthalmus vs. Eumenes
312 BC 1η Μάχη της Γάζας (Battle of Gaza (312 BC)) Ptolemy I of Egypt vs. Demetrius I Poliorcetes
311 BC 2η Μάχη Ιμέρας (311 BC) The Carthaginian general Hamilcar defeats the tyrant Agathocles of Syracuse, which is then besieged.
310 BC 1η Μάχη της Βαδιμώνης Λίμνης [[Battle of Lake Vadimo (310 BC)) The Romans defeat the Etruscans.
306 BC 2η Ναυμαχία της Κυπριακής Σαλαμίνας Demetrius I Poliorcetes defeats the fleet of Menelaeus, brother of Ptolemy I
305 BC Μάχη του Βοϋανίου (Battle of Bovianum The Roman consuls M. Fulvius and L. Postumius decisiviely defeat the Samnites to end the Second Samnite War.
305-304 BC Siege of Rhodes Rhodian commander Ares, alongside with his Seleucid and Ptolemaic allies, repels a siege of the Antigonids, led by Demetrius Poliorcetes.
301 BC Μάχη Ιψού Antigonus Monophthalmus is defeated and killed by Seleucus and Lysimachus


Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]



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