Science Wiki

Μάχαι 5ου Αιώνα π.Χ.



Μάχες Αρχαίας Εποχής


Μάχες Γης
Μάχες Αρχαίας Εποχής
Αρχαία Εποχή
Μάχες Μεσαιωνικής Εποχής
Μεσαιωνική Εποχή
Μάχες Νεότερης Εποχής
Νεότερη Εποχή
Μάχες Σύγχρονης Εποχής
Σύγχρονη Εποχή

Ακολουθεί σύνοψη Χιλιετίας.

Μάχες 1ης Χιλιετίας π.Χ.[]

Ακολουθεί κατάλογος πολέμων.


Year Name Summary
499 BC Πολιορκία Νάξου (499 BC) Battle between the Persians under Megabates and the Greek inhabitants of Naxos.
498 BC Siege of Sardis Battle between the people of Sardis and an alliance of Greeks from Ionia, Athens, and Eretria.
Μάχη Εφέσου (498 BC) Persian victory during the Ionian Revolt.
Μάχη Μυλάσων (Battle of Mylasa)
Μάχη Πηδάσου (Battle of Pedasa)
496 BC Μάχη Ρηγίλλης Λίμνης (Battle of Lake Regillus) Romans defeat either the Etruscans or the Latins.
494 BC 1η Ναυμαχία Λάδης (Battle of Lade) Persians defeat participants of the Ionian Revolt.
Μάχη Σηπείας Spartan forces of Cleomenes I defeat the Argives, fully establishing Spartan dominance in the Peloponnese.
490 BC 2η Πολιορκία Νάξου (490 BC) The Persians destroy Naxos
Πολιορκίας Ερέτρειας The Persians under Datis and Artaphernes defeat the Eretrians.
Μάχη Μαραθώνα Athens under Miltiades defeats the Persian expedition of Darius I of Persia and Artaphernes.
480 BC 2η Μάχη Θερμοπυλών Persians under Xerxes defeat the Spartans under King Leonidas.
Ναυμαχία Αρτεμίσιου Persian fleet fights an inconclusive battle with the Greek allied fleet.
Ναυμαχία Σαλαμίνας Greek ships under Themistocles and Eurybiades of Sparta defeat Persian fleet in the Bay of Eleusis.
Μάχη Ιμέρας (Battle of Himera (480 BC)) The Greeks of Sicily, led by Gelo of Syracuse, defeat the Carthaginians under Hamilcar.
479 BC Μάχη Πλαταιών Ends the Persian invasion of Greece; Pausanias, the Spartan commander of the Greek army, routs the armies of Mardonius.
Ναυμαχία Μυκάλης Greeks under Leotychidas sail to Asia Minor, attack the Persian fleet, and defeat then 60,000 Persian troops.
478 BC Siege of Byzantium (478 BC) Byzantium lost by Persians.
Μάχη Λίζης (Battle of Lize) Yue defeats Wu, gaining much territory, during the Warring States period of Chinese history.
477 BC Μάχη Κρεμέρα Ποταμού (Battle of the Cremera) The Etruscan city of Veii defeats the Roman Republic at Cremera.
475 BC Siege of Eion The Delian League takes Eion from the Persians.
474 BC Μάχη Κύμης (Battle of Cumae) The Syracusans under Hiero I defeat the Etruscans and end Etruscan expansion in southern Italy.
466 BC 1η Ναυμαχία Ευρυμέδοντα Athenians under Cimon defeat the Persians in a great naval battle.
458 BC Μάχη Αλγίδου Όρους (Battle of Mons Algidus) Romans under Cincinnatus defeat the Aequi.
457 BC 1η Μάχη Τανάγρας (457 BC) The Spartans defeat the Athenians near Thebes, Greece.
Μάχη Οινοφύτων (Battle of Oenophyta) The Athenians defeat the Thebans and take control of Boeotia.
454 BC Siege of Prosoptis Persia re-establishes control over Egypt.
453 BC Μάχη Jinyang (Battle of Jinyang) Decisive battle leading to the partition of the state of Jin into three smaller states of Zhao, Han and Wei which became among three of the seven warring states in China.
450 BC Siege of Citium Persia maintains control over Cyprus.
1η Ναυμαχία Κυπριακής Σαλαμίνας Athenians under Cimon defeat the Persian fleet at Cyprus.
447 BC 1η Μάχη Κορώνειας (447 BC) The Athenians are driven from Boeotia.
446 BC Μάχη της Κορβιόνης (Battle of Corbione) Roman General Titus gains a victory over the Aequi tribes.
435 BC Capture of Fidenae Romans defeat the Veii.
433 BC Ναυμαχία Συβότων Athenians and Corcyreans fight the Corinthians.
432 BC Μάχη Ποτίδαιας (Battle of Potidaea) Athens defeats Sparta, leading to the Peloponnesian War.
429 BC Μάχη Σπαρτώλου Chalcidians and their allies defeat Athens.
Ναυμαχία Ρίου (Battle of Rhium) Naval defeat of the Peloponnesians by Athens.
Ναυμαχία Ναυπάκτου (Battle of Naupactus (429 BC)) Phormio defeats the Peloponnesian fleet.
427 BC Mytilenean revolt Athens ends Mytilenian revolt.
Battle of Plataea Sparta besieges and destroys Plataea.
426 BC 2η Μάχη Τανάγρας (426 BC)] Athenians under Nicias defeat Tanagra and Thebes.
Μάχη Ολπών (Battle of Olpae) Athenians under Demosthenes defeat the Spartans in Aetolia.
Μάχη Ειδομένης (Battle of Idomene) Demosthenes of Athens defeats Ambracia.
425 BC Μάχη Πύλου Athenians under Demosthenes again defeat the Spartans, this time capturing a Spartan fleet and leaving a Spartan contingent isolated on the island of Sphacteria.
Μάχη Σφακτηρίας Demosthenes and Cleon capture the Spartans on Sphacteria.
424 BC Μάχη Μεγάρων Athens encounters defeat at Megara.
Μάχη Δήλιου Another Athenian invasion of Boeotia is unsuccessful.
422 BC Μάχη Αμφίπολης The Spartans under Brasidas defeat the Athenians under Cleon; both generals die.
418 BC 1η Μάχη Μαντίνειας (418 BC) The Spartans under King Agis II defeat the Argives, Mantineans, and Athenians.
417 BC 2η Μάχη Υσιών (Battle of Hysia) Spartans march against Argos with their allies, yet fail to take the city itself, instead capturing Hysiae.
415 BC Battle of Melos Athens invades Melos.
415 BC Battle of Syracuse The Athenian expedition in Sicily, under Nicias and Demosthenes, encounters annihilation.
415 BC Sicilian Expedition Athens invades Sicily and is completely destroyed two years later in 413 BC.
411 BC Ναυμαχία Ερέτειας Spartans defeat the Athenian fleet.
Ναυμαχία Σύμης (Battle of Syme) Spartans defeat Athenian fleet; Persia is drawn into the Peloponnesian War.
Ναυμαχία Κυνός Σήματος The Athenians under Alcibiades defeat the Spartan fleet.
410 BC Ναυμαχία Κυζίκου The Athenian fleet, under the leadership of Alcibiades, destroys the Spartan fleet.
1η Ναυμαχία Αβύδου Athenian navy defeats Spartan fleet.
409 BC Battle of Selinus Dorian Greek city Selinus destroyed.
Battle of Himera (409 BC) Ionian Greek city Himera destroyed.
406 BC Ναυμαχία Νότιου The Spartans under Lysander defeat a segment of the Athenian fleet.
Battle of Mytilene Sparta defeats Athens.
Ναυμαχία Αργινουσών The final Athenian victory of the Peloponnesian War.
Siege of Akragas (406 BC) Dorian Greek city Akragas sacked.
405 BC Battle of Gela (405 BC) Dorian Greek city Gela sacked.
Ναυμαχία Αιγός Ποταμών The final battle of the Peloponnesian War; Lysander destroys the navy of Athens led by Conon.
Sack of Camarina (405 BC) Carthaginians sack Sicilian Greek city of Camarina.
404 or 403 BC Battle of Phyle The Athenian exiles, seeking restore democracy in Athens, defeat the Spartans.
Battle of Munychia The Athenian exiles, in his search for democracy in Athens, defeat the oligarchic government of Athens.
403 BC Battle of Piraeus The Athenian exiles, led by Thrasybulus, are finally defeated by the Spartans of Pausanias, suffering both sides

tremendous casualties. Although, Piraeus and Athens are reunited and the democratic government of Athens is reestablished.

401 BC Μάχη Κουνάξων Artaxerxes II of Persia defeats the forces of Cyrus the Younger.


Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]



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