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Μυρσίλος Γ' ο Μικρός

Mursili, Myrsilus, Urhi-Teshub, Μυρσιλί, Μιρσιλί, Μουρσίλι


Υστερο-Χετταϊκή Εποχή
Ηγεμόνες Υστερο-Χετταϊκής Εποχής
13ος Αιώνας π.Χ.

Όνομα: Μύρσιλος
Ηγεμονικά Ονόματα

Χετταϊκή Αυτοκρατορία (Hatti)
Ηγεμόνες Χετταϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας

Δαρδανία (Arzawa) (Χετταϊκή Λυδία))
Ηγεμόνες Ασιατικής Δαρδανίας
Τρωάδα (Wilusa)
Ηγεμόνες Χετταϊκής Τρωάδας
Μυσία (Sehha Land)
Ηγεμόνες Χετταϊκής Μυσίας
Φρυγία (Mira)
Ηγεμόνες Χετταϊκής Φρυγίας
Κιλικία (Kizzuwatna) (Κισσία)
Ηγεμόνες Χετταϊκής Κιλικίας
Ελυμαΐδα (Elam)
Ηγεμόνες Ελυμαΐδας
Ηγεμόνες Βαβυλωνίας
Ηγεμόνες Ασσυρίας
Χετταϊκή Συρία
Ηγεμόνες Χετταϊκής Συρίας
Μυκηναϊκή Αργολίδα
Ηγεμόνες Μυκηναϊκής Αργολίδας
Μυκηναϊκή Κρήτη
Ηγεμόνες Μυκηναϊκής Κρήτης
Ουραρτία (Urartu)
Ηγεμόνες Ουραρτίας
Μιταννία (Mitanni)
Ηγεμόνες Μιταννίας
Αιγυπτιακή Αυτοκρατορία
Ηγεμόνες Αιγυπτιακής Αυτοκρατορίας

- Ένας αυτοκράτορας της Χετταϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας (1272 - 1265 π.Χ.).

- Χρονική Περίοδος Διακυβέρνησης: Υστερο-Χετταϊκή Εποχή, 13ος Αιώνας π.Χ..

- Γέννηση:

- Θάνατος:


Ikl Ηγεμόνες Ikl
της Χαττίας

Αρχές 18 αιώνα
τέλη 18ου αιώνα
ο Πρεσβύτερος
Tudhaliya Ia
c. 1700
o Μέγας
1680 - 1650
ο Κατακτητής
Hattusili I
και ως "Labarna II"
1650 – 1620
Mursili I
1620 – 1590
Hantili I
1590 – 1560
Zidanta I
1560 – 1550
1550 – 1530
Huzziya I
  • Αλλύβαμνος
?1500 - ?1380
Hantili II
?1480 - ?1460
Zidanta II
?1460 - ?1440
Huzziya II
?1440 - ?1420

ο Άδοξος
Muwatalli I
Tudhalia I
?1420 - ?1400
Hattusili II
?1400 - ?1390
ο Ισχυρός
Tudhalia II
1400 – 1380
ο Άτυχος
Arnuwanda I
1380 – ?1365
ο Μικρός
Tudhalia III
?1365 – 1344
ο Μέγας
Suppiluliuma I
1344 - 1322
Arnuwanda II
1322 - 1321
ο Κατακτητής
Mursili II
1321 – 1295
ο Ένδοξος
Muwatalli II
1295 - 1271
  • Μύρσιλος Γ'
ο Ασθενής
Mursili III
1271 – 1264
ο Ειρηνικός
Hattusili III
1264 – 1239
ο Κατακτητής
Tudhalia III
1239 – 1209
  • Κόρυνθος
Arnuwanda III
1209 – 1205
ο Μικρός
Suppiluliuma II
1205 - ?1200

Το όνομα "Μυρσίλος" είναι εξελληνισμός του Χετταϊκού ονόματος "Mursili".

Πιθανόν το όνομα Urhi-Teshub να αποδώθηκε στα Ελληνικά ως "Ωρείθυιος" (~ Ωρείθυια)


- Οίκος:

- Πατέρας: Μύτιλος Β (Muwatalli II)

- Μητέρα:

- Σύζυγος:

- Τέκνα: Hartapu


- Τα σημαντικότερα ιστορικά γεγονότα, κατά την διάρκεια του βίου του, είναι:

He was the eldest surviving son of Muwatalli II.

He was a grandson of Mursili II.

During his reign, Mursili III reverted the capital from Tarhuntassa (as it had been under Muwatalli) back to Hattusa (KBo 21.15 i 11-12).

However, the Assyrians captured Hanigalbat, which severely weakened his legitimacy to rule over the Hittite Empire.

In his seventh year, Mursili III attacked and seized control of his uncle Hattusili's regional strongholds of Hakpissa and Nerik within the Hittite Empire in order to remove Hattusili as a threat to the throne.

Hakpissa served as the centre of Hattusili's power while Nerik was under Hattusilis's sway from the latter's position as high priest there.

Hattusili then states in a well-known text: "For seven years I submitted [to the king]. But at a divine command and with human urging, Urhi-Tesub sought to destroy me. He took Hakpissa ( = Αμάσεια (?)) and Nerik from me. Now I submitted to him no longer. I made war against him. But I committed no crime in doing so, by rising up against him with chariots or in the palace. In civilised manner I communicated thus with him: 'You have begun hostilities with me. Now you are Great King, but I am king of only one fortress. That is all you have left me. Come! Istar of Samuha and the Storm God of Nerik shall decide the case for us!' Since I wrote to Urhi-Tesub in this manner, if anyone now says: 'Why after previously making him king do you now write to him about war?' (my reply would be); 'If he had not begun fighting with me, would Istar and the Storm God have now subjected him to a small king?' Because he began fighting with me, the gods have subjected him to me by their judgement." (Apol. §10C, III 63-79)

Consequently, Mursili III's reign was seven years.

In the subsequent revolt, Hatusilli gathered a considerable force. This included natural allies from his local strongholds of Nerik and Hakpissa, as well as many non-aligned Hittites who were impressed with his record of service to the Hittite Empire.

His strategic military victory over Ramesses II of Egypt in the 1274 BC Battle of Kadesh was favourably contrasted with the rather "undistinguished and largely unproven occupant of the throne of Hattusa" – Urhi-Teshub/Mursilis III – who had lost Hanigalbat to Assyria in his reign.

Hattusili's forces even included elements of the Kaska peoples who were sworn enemies of the Hittites.

Hatusilli quickly defeated Mursili III and seized the throne from his nephew; he then succeeded to power as King Hattusili III. After his victory, Hattusili appointed Mursili's brother or brother-in-law, Kurunta, as the vassal king over Tarhuntassa in order to win the latter's loyalty.

Mursili fled to Egypt, the land of his country's enemy, after the failure of his plots to oust his uncle from the throne. Hattusili III responded to this event by demanding that Ramesses II extradite his nephew back to Hatti.

This letter precipitated a crisis in relations between Egypt and Hatti when Ramesses denied any knowledge of Mursili's whereabouts in his country and the two empires came dangerously close to war.

However, both kings eventually decided to resolve the issue by making peace in Year 21 of Ramesses II. An extradition clause was also included in the treaty. Mursili III soon thereafter disappears from history after his sojourn in Egypt.

Mursili III seemingly had a son. A certain Hartapu calls himself a great king and son of the great king Mursili, who normally is identified with Mursili III. Hartapu likely has ruled Tarhuntassa in the 2nd half of the 13th century BC.


Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]


  • Trevor Bryce, "Life and Society in the Hittite World," Oxford (2002).
  • Trevor Bryce, The Kingdom of the Hittites, Oxford (1999).
  • C. W. Ceram, The Secret of the Hittites: The Discovery of an Ancient Empire. Phoenix Press (2001), ISBN 1842122959.
  • J. G. Macqueen, The Hittites, and Their Contemporaries in Asia Minor, revised and enlarged, Ancient Peoples and Places series (ed. G. Daniel), Thames and Hudson (1986), ISBN 0-500-02108-2.
  • McMahon, G., Hittite History, Biblical Archaeologist 52 (1989), 62 - 77


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