Ορμόνη είναι η χημική ουσία που κυκλοφορεί στο αίμα και ελέγχει τη λειτουργία ορισμένων οργάνων και ιστών του σώματος.
Η ονομασία "Ορμόνη" σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
Οι ορµόνες είναι µόρια ύλης (πρωτεϊνικά, στεροειδή και αµινικά) και τις εκκρίνουν οι αδένες του οργανισµού.
Μερικοί αδένες είναι η υπόφυση του εγκεφάλου (και η επίφυση), τα επινεφρίδια, οι νεφροί, οι όρχεις, οι ωοθήκες, κλπ.
Οι περισσότερες ορμόνες παράγονται από ειδικούς αδένες οι οποίοι ονομάζονται ενδοκρινείς αδένες.
Οι ορµόνες εκκρίνονται από τους αδένες υπό ορισµένες προϋποθέσεις και καταφθάνουν διά µέσου της κυκλοφορίας του αίµατος στα διάφορα όργανα, όπου προκαλούν επιδράσεις.
Π.χ. από κάποια ένταση ή άγχος, τα επινεφρίδια εκκρίνουν την αδρεναλίνη και αυτή προκαλεί ταχυρρυθµία στην καρδιά.
Όταν οι όρχεις εκκρίνουν την ορµόνη τεστοτερόνη κατά την διάρκεια του έρωτα (οι ωοθήκες της γυναίκας εκκρίνουν την οιστραδιόλη), τότε αυτές προκαλούν στον εγκέφαλο τηναίσθηση της ηδονής.
Οι δράσεις της ορμόνης και τα μέρη του σώματος που αφορά διαφέρουν ανάλογα με τον τύπο της ορμόνης.
Όσο υψηλότερες είναι οι ποσότητες μιας ορμόνης στο αίμα τόσο περισσότερο δραστήριες γίνονται οι λειτουργίες που ελέγχει η ορμόνη αυτή.
Spelling is not uniform for many hormones. Current North American and international usage is estrogen, gonadotropin, while British usage retains the Greek diphthong in oestrogen and the unvoiced aspirant h in gonadotrophin.
Structure | Name | Abbrev- iation |
Tissue | Cells | Mechanism | Target Tissue | Effect |
amine - tryptophan | Μελατονίνη (Melatonin]] (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) | pineal gland | pinealocyte | antioxidant and causes drowsiness | |||
amine - tryptophan | Σεροτονίνη (Serotonin]] | 5-HT | CNS, GI tract | enterochromaffin cell | Controls mood, appetite, and sleep | ||
amine - tyrosine | Θυροξίνη (Thyroxine]] (or tetraiodothyronine) (a thyroid hormone) | T4 | thyroid gland | thyroid epithelial cell | direct | less active form of thyroid hormone: increase the basal metabolic rate & sensitivity to catecholamines,
affect protein synthesis | |
amine - tyrosine | Τριωδοθυροξίνη (Triiodothyronine]] (a thyroid hormone) | T3 | thyroid gland | thyroid epithelial cell | direct | potent form of thyroid hormone: increase the basal metabolic rate & sensitivity to catecholamines,
affect protein synthesis | |
amine - tyrosine (Κατεχολαμίνη (Catecholamine|cat]]) | Αδρεναλίνη (Epinephrine]] (or adrenaline) | EPI | adrenal medulla | chromaffin cell | Fight-or-flight response:
Boosts the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain and muscles (by increasing heart rate and stroke volume, vasodilation, increasing catalysis of glycogen in liver, breakdown of lipids in fat cells. dilate the pupils Suppress non-emergency bodily processes (e.g. digestion) Suppress immune system | ||
amine - tyrosine (cat) | Νορεπινεφρίνη (Norepinephrine]] (or noradrenaline) | NRE | adrenal medulla | chromaffin cell | Fight-or-flight response:
Boosts the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain and muscles (by increasing heart rate and stroke volume, vasoconstriction and increased blood pressure, breakdown of lipids in fat cells. Increase skeletal muscle readiness. | ||
amine - tyrosine (cat) | Δοπαμίνη (Dopamine]] (or prolactin inhibiting hormone | DPM, PIH or DA | kidney, hypothalamus | Chromaffin cells in kidney Dopamine neurons of the arcuate nucleus in hypothalamus |
Increase heart rate and blood pressure Inhibit release of prolactin and TRH from anterior pituitary | ||
peptide | Antimullerian hormone (or mullerian inhibiting factor or hormone) | AMH | testes | Sertoli cell | Inhibit release of prolactin and TRH from anterior pituitary | ||
peptide | Αδιπονεκτίνη (Adiponectin]] | Acrp30 | adipose tissue | ||||
peptide | Κορτιτροπίνη (Adrenocorticotropic hormone]] (or corticotropin) | ACTH | anterior pituitary | corticotrope | cAMP | synthesis of corticosteroids (glucocorticoids and androgens) in adrenocortical cells | |
peptide | Αγγειοτενσινογόνο (Angiotensinogen]] and Αγγειοτενσίνη (angiotensin]] | AGT | liver | IP3 | vasoconstriction
release of aldosterone from adrenal cortex dipsogen. | ||
peptide | Βασοπρεσσίνη (Antidiuretic hormone]] (or vasopressin, arginine vasopressin) | ADH | posterior pituitary | Parvocellular neurosecretory neurons in hypothalamus Magnocellular neurosecretory cells in posterior pituitary |
varies | retention of water in kidneys moderate vasoconstriction Release ACTH in anterior pituitary | |
peptide | Ατριοπεπτίνη (Atrial-natriuretic peptide]] (or atriopeptin) | ANP | heart | cGMP | |||
peptide | Χαλκιτονίνη (Calcitonin]] | CT | thyroid gland | parafollicular cell | cAMP | Construct bone, reduce blood Ca2+ | |
peptide | Χολεκυστοκινίνη (Cholecystokinin]] | CCK | duodenum | Release of digestive enzymes from pancreas
Release of bile from gallbladder hunger suppressant | |||
peptide | Corticotropin-releasing hormone | CRH | hypothalamus | cAMP | Release ACTH from anterior pituitary | ||
peptide | Ερυθροποιητίνη (Erythropoietin]] | EPO | kidney | Extraglomerular mesangial cells | Stimulate erythrocyte production | ||
peptide | Follicle-stimulating hormone | FSH | anterior pituitary | gonadotrope | cAMP | In female: stimulates maturation of Graafian follicles in ovary.
In male: spermatogenesis, enhances production of androgen-binding protein by the Sertoli cells of the testes | |
peptide | Γαστρίνη (Gastrin]] | GRP | stomach, duodenum | G cell | Secretion of gastric acid by parietal cells | ||
peptide | Γρελίνη (Ghrelin]] | stomach | P/D1 cell | Stimulate appetite,
secretion of growth hormone from anterior pituitary gland | |||
peptide | Γλυκογόνο (Glucagon]] | GCG | pancreas | alpha cells | cAMP | glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in liver
increases blood glucose level | |
peptide | Gonadotropin-releasing hormone | GnRH | hypothalamus | IP3 | Release of FSH and LH from anterior pituitary. | ||
peptide | Growth hormone-releasing hormone | GHRH | hypothalamus | IP3 | Release GH from anterior pituitary | ||
peptide | Γοναδοτροπίνη (Human chorionic gonadotropin]] | hCG | placenta | syncytiotrophoblast cells | cAMP | promote maintenance of corpus luteum during beginning of pregnancy
Inhibit immune response, towards the human embryo. | |
peptide | Λακτογόνο (Human placental lactogen]] | HPL | placenta | increase production of insulin and IGF-1
increase insulin resistance and carbohydrate intolerance | |||
peptide | Growth hormone | GH or hGH | anterior pituitary | somatotropes | stimulates growth and cell reproduction
Release Insulin-like growth factor 1 from liver | ||
peptide | Ινχιβίνη (Inhibin]] | testes, ovary, fetus | Sertoli cells of testes granulosa cells of ovary trophoblasts in fetus |
anterior pituitary | Inhibit production of FSH | ||
peptide | Ινσουλίνη (Insulin]] | INS | pancreas | beta cells | tyrosine kinase | Intake of glucose, glycogenesis and glycolysis in liver and muscle from blood
intake of lipids and synthesis of triglycerides in adipocytes Other anabolic effects | |
peptide | Insulin-like growth factor (or somatomedin) | IGF | liver | Hepatocytes | tyrosine kinase | insulin-like effects
regulate cell growth and development | |
peptide | Λεπτίνη (Leptin]] | LEP | adipose tissue | decrease of appetite and increase of metabolism. | |||
peptide | Luteinizing hormone | LH | anterior pituitary | gonadotropes | cAMP | In female: ovulation
In male: stimulates Leydig cell production of testosterone | |
peptide | Melanocyte stimulating hormone | MSH or α-MSH | anterior pituitary/pars intermedia | Melanotroph | cAMP | melanogenesis by melanocytes in skin and hair | |
peptide | Οξυτοκίνη (Oxytocin]] | OXT | posterior pituitary | Magnocellular neurosecretory cells | IP3 | release breast milk
Contraction of cervix and vagina Involved in orgasm, trust between people.[1] and circadian homeostasis (body temperature, activity level, wakefulness) [2]. | |
peptide | Παραθυροξίνη (Parathyroid hormone]] | PTH | parathyroid gland | parathyroid chief cell | cAMP | increase blood Ca2+: *indirectly stimulate osteoclasts
(Slightly) decrease blood phosphate:
| |
peptide | Προλακτίνη (Prolactin]] | PRL | anterior pituitary, uterus | lactotrophs of anterior pituitary Decidual cells of uterus |
milk production in mammary glands sexual gratification after sexual acts | ||
peptide | Ρηλαξίνη (Relaxin]] | RLN | uterus | Decidual cells | Unclear in humans | ||
peptide | Σεκρετίνη (Secretin]] | SCT | duodenum | S cell | Secretion of bicarbonate from liver, pancreas and duodenal Brunner's glands
Enhances effects of cholecystokinin Stops production of gastric juice | ||
peptide | Στοματοστατίνη (Somatostatin]] | SRIF | hypothalamus, islets of Langerhans, gastrointestinal system | delta cells in islets Neuroendocrince cells of the Periventricular nucleus in hypothalamus |
Inhibit release of GH and TRH from anterior pituitary Suppress release of gastrin, cholecystokinin (CCK), secretin, motilin, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), enteroglucagon in gastrointestinal system Lowers rate of gastric emptying Reduces smooth muscle contractions and blood flow within the intestine [3] | ||
peptide | Θρομβοποιητίνη (Thrombopoietin]] | TPO | liver, kidney, striated muscle | Myocytes | megakaryocytes | produce platelets[5] | |
peptide | Thyroid-stimulating hormone (or thyrotropin) | TSH | anterior pituitary | thyrotropes | cAMP | thyroid gland | secrete thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) |
peptide | Thyrotropin-releasing hormone | TRH | hypothalamus | Parvocellular neurosecretory neurons | IP3 | anterior pituitary | Release thyroid-stimulating hormone (primarily) Stimulate prolactin release |
steroid - glu. | Κορτισόλη (Cortisol]] | adrenal cortex (zona fasciculata and zona reticularis cells) | direct | Stimulation of gluconeogenesis
Inhibition of glucose uptake in muscle and adipose tissue Mobilization of amino acids from extrahepatic tissues Stimulation of fat breakdown in adipose tissue anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive | |||
steroid - min. | Αλδοστερόνη (Aldosterone]] | adrenal cortex (zona glomerulosa) | direct | Increase blood volume by reabsorption of sodium in kidneys (primarily)
Potassium and H+ secretion in kidney. | |||
steroid - sex (and) | Τεστοστερόνη (Testosterone]] | testes | Leydig cells | direct | Anabolic: growth of muscle mass and strength, increased bone density, growth and strength,
Virilizing: maturation of sex organs, formation of scrotum, deepening of voice, growth of beard and axillary hair. | ||
steroid - sex (and) | Διυδροεπιανδροστερόνη (Dehydroepiandrosterone]] | DHEA | testes, ovary, kidney | Zona fasciculata and Zona reticularis cells of kidney theca cells of ovary Leydig cellss of testes |
direct | Virilization, anabolic | |
steroid - sex (and) | Ανδροστενεδιόνη (Androstenedione]] | adrenal glands, gonads | direct | Substrate for estrogen | |||
steroid - sex (and) | Διυδροτεστοστερόνη (Dihydrotestosterone]] | DHT | multiple | direct | |||
steroid - sex (est) | Οιστραδιόλη (Estradiol]] | E2 | females: ovary, males testes | females: granulosa cells, males: Sertoli cell | direct | Females:
Protein synthesis:
Increase HDL, triglyceride, height growth Decrease LDL, fat depositition Fluid balance:
Gastrointestinal tract:
Cancer: support hormone-sensitive breast cancers [6] Suppression of production in the body of estrogen is a treatment for these cancers. Lung function:
Males: Prevent apoptosis of germ cells[8] | |
steroid - sex (est) | Οιστρόνη (Estrone]] | ovary | granulosa cells, Adipocytes | direct | |||
steroid - sex (est) | Οιστριόλη (Estriol]] | placenta | syncytiotrophoblast | direct | |||
steroid - sex (pro) | Προγεστερόνη (Progesterone]] | ovary, adrenal glands, placenta (when pregnant) | Granulosa cells theca cells of ovary | direct | Support pregnancy[9]:
Convert endometrium to secretory stage Make cervical mucus permeable to sperm. Inhibit immune response, e.g. towards the human embryo. Decrease uterine smooth muscle contractility[9] Inhibit lactation Inhibit onset of labor. Support fetal production of adrenal mineralo- and glucosteroids. Other: Raise epidermal growth factor-1 levels Increase core temperature during ovulation[10] Reduce spasm and relax smooth muscle (widen bronchi and regulate mucus) Antiinflammatory Reduce gall-bladder activity[11] Normalize blood clotting and vascular tone, zinc and copper levels, cell oxygen levels, and use of fat stores for energy. Assist in thyroid function and bone growth by osteoblasts Relsilience in bone, teeth, gums, joint, tendon, ligament and skin Healing by regulating collagen Nerve function and healing by regulating myelin Prevent endometrial cancer by regulating effects of estrogen. | ||
sterol | Χαλκιτριόλη (Calcitriol]] (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) | skin/proximal tubule of kidneys | direct | Active form of vitamin D3
Increase absorption of calcium and phosphate from gastrointestinal tract and kidneys inhibit release of PTH | |||
sterol | Χαλκιδιόλη (Calcidiol]] (25-hydroxyvitamin D3) | skin/proximal tubule of kidneys | direct | Inactive form of Vitamin D3 | |||
eicosanoid | Προσταγλανδίνη (Prostaglandin]]s | PG | seminal vesicle | ||||
eicosanoid | Λευκοτριήνη (Leukotriene]]s | LT | white blood cells | ||||
eicosanoid | Προστακυκλίνη (Prostacyclin]] | PGI2 | endothelium | ||||
eicosanoid | Θρομβοξάνη (Thromboxane]] | TXA2 | platelets | ||||
Prolactin releasing hormone | PRH | hypothalamus | Release prolactin from anterior pituitary | ||||
Λιποτροπίνη (Lipotropin]] | PRH | anterior pituitary | Corticotropes | lipolysis and steroidogenesis, stimulates melanocytes to produce melanin | |||
Brain natriuretic peptide | BNP | heart | Cardiac myocytes | (To a minor degree than ANP) reduce blood pressure by:
reducing systemic vascular resistance, reducing blood water, sodium and fats | |||
Neuropeptide Y | NPY | Stomach | increased food intake and decreased physical activity | ||||
Ισταμίνη (Histamine]] | Stomach | ECL cells | stimulate gastric acid secretion | ||||
Ενδοθηλίνη (Endothelin]] | Stomach | X cells | Smooth muscle contraction of stomach [12] | ||||
Pancreatic polypeptide | Pancreas | PP cells | Unknown | ||||
Ρηνίνη (Renin]] | Kidney | Juxtaglomerular cells | Activates the renin-angiotensin system by producing angiotensin I of angiotensinogen | ||||
Εγκεφαλίνη (Enkephalin]] | Kidney | Chromaffin cells | Regulate pain |
Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]
- πρωτεΐνη
- [[ ]]
Κίνδυνοι Χρήσης |
Αν και θα βρείτε εξακριβωμένες πληροφορίες "Οι πληροφορίες αυτές μπορεί πρόσφατα Πρέπει να λάβετε υπ' όψη ότι Επίσης, |
- Μην κάνετε χρήση του περιεχομένου της παρούσας εγκυκλοπαίδειας
αν διαφωνείτε με όσα αναγράφονται σε αυτήν
- Όχι, στις διαφημίσεις που περιέχουν απαράδεκτο περιεχόμενο (άσεμνες εικόνες, ροζ αγγελίες κλπ.)
- ↑ Kosfeld M et al. (2005) Oxytocin increases trust in humans. Nature 435:673-676. PDF PMID 15931222
- ↑ Scientific American Mind, "Rhythm and Blues"; June/July 2007; Scientific American Mind; by Ulrich Kraft
- ↑ http://www.vivo.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/endocrine/otherendo/somatostatin.html Colorado State University - Biomedical Hypertextbooks - Somatostatin
- ↑ 4,0 4,1 Πρότυπο:GeorgiaPhysiology
- ↑ Kaushansky K. Lineage-specific hematopoietic growth factors. N Engl J Med 2006;354:2034-45. PMID 16687716.
- ↑ Hormonal Therapy
- ↑ Massaro D, Massaro GD (2004). "Estrogen regulates pulmonary alveolar formation, loss, and regeneration in mice". American Journal of Physiology. Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 287 (6): L1154-9. PMID 15298854 url=http://ajplung.physiology.org/cgi/content/full/287/6/L1154.
- ↑ Pentikäinen V, Erkkilä K, Suomalainen L, Parvinen M, Dunkel L. Estradiol Acts as a Germ Cell Survival Factor in the Human Testis in vitro. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2006;85:2057-67 PMID 10843196
- ↑ 9,0 9,1 Placental Hormones
- ↑ Πρότυπο:GeorgiaPhysiology
- ↑ Hould F, Fried G, Fazekas A, Tremblay S, Mersereau W (1988). "Progesterone receptors regulate gallbladder motility". J Surg Res 45 (6): 505-12. PMID 3184927.
- ↑ Diabetes-related changes in contractile responses of stomach fundus to endothelin-1 in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats Journal of Smooth Muscle Research Vol. 41 (2005) , No. 1 35-47. Kazuki Endo1), Takayuki Matsumoto1), Tsuneo Kobayashi1), Yutaka Kasuya1) and Katsuo Kamata1)