
Πρωτεΐνη Πρωτεΐνες (κατάλογος) Πρωτεΐνες
Πεπτίδιο Πολυπεπτίδιο
Αμινοξύ Αμινοξέα (κατάλογος) Αμινοξέα
Πρωτεϊνοσύνθεση πρωτεϊνόλυση
Ένζυμο Ένζυμα (κατάλογος) Ένζυμα
Βιομόριο βιομόρια

- Ακολουθεί κατάλογος [[πρωτεΐνη |πρωτεϊνών.
A list of proteins (and protein complexes). This list aims to organize information on the protein universe.
All proteins can be found in the human proteome unless marked with a "%".
If a protein has an EC number, it should be on List of enzymes and not on this page, even if it fits into one of the categories below.
For more information about categorizing protein types, see List of types of proteins.
Fibrous protein[]
cytoskeletal proteins[]
- τουβουλίνη tubulin
- ακτινίνη actin
- FtsZ %
- κερατίνη keratin
- μυοσίνη myosin
- Tau (protein)
- δυστροφίνη dystrophin
Extracellular matrix proteins[]
Globular proteins[]
Plasma proteins[]
- Serum albumin
- Serum Amyloid P Component
Coagulation factors[]
See also: {{Coagulation}}
- Φιβρίνη Fibrin
- Θρομβίνη Thrombin
- Factor XIII
- protein C
- Protein Z
- Protein Z-related protease inhibitor
- Protein S
- Complement proteins
- C1-inhibitor
- C3-convertase
Acute phase proteins[]
- C-reactive protein
- αιμογλοβίνη hemoglobin
- μυογλοβίνη myoglobin
Cell adhesion[]
- καδοχηρίνη, cadherin
- ινδεγρίνη, integrin
- σελεκτίνη, selectin
Transmembrane transport proteins[]
Ion pumping enzymes are in the enzymes section.
- Glycophorin C
- Scramblase
Ion channels[]
- Acetylcholine receptor
- Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
- [[Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor]is NOT an ion channel, but a G-protein coupled receptor; see below]
- Potassium channel
synport/antiport proteins[]
- glucose transporter
Hormones and growth factors[]
- Receptors with enzyme activity are in the enzymes section.
- Receptors that are ion channels are in the ion channel section.
Transmembrane receptors[]
- G-protein-coupled receptor
- Ροδοψίνη Rhodopsin
Intracellular receptors[]
- estrogen receptor
DNA-binding protein[]
- Ιστόνη Histone
transcription regulation[]
- CI protein %
Transcription regulatory proteins that are receptors are in the receptors section.
- C-myc
- MyoD
- P53
Immune system proteins[]
- immunoglobins
- T cell receptor
- Major histocompatibility antigens
Nutrient storage/transport[]
- φερριτίνη, ferritin
Chaperone proteins[]
- GroEL %
Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]
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