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Σχετικιστικοί Φυσικοί Γης



Σχετικιστική Φυσική
Σχετικιστική Πεδιακή Θεωρία
Σχετικιστική Κλασσική Μηχανική
Σχετικιστική Κβαντική Μηχανική
Ειδική Σχετικότητα
Γενική Σχετικότητα
Χώρος Minkowski
Σχετικιστικοί Φυσικοί Γης


Einstein Albert
Ειδική Σχετικότητα
Γενική Σχετικότητα




  • Baker Robert M. L. Jr. (high-frequency gravitational waves),
  • Baldwin O. R. (Baldwin/Jeffery plane wave),
  • Bardeen James M. (Bardeen vacuum, black hole mechanics, gauge-invariant linear perturbations of Friedmann-Lemaître cosmologies),
  • Bartnik Robert (existence of ADM mass for asymptotically flat vacuums, quasilocal mass),
  • Bekenstein Jacob (black hole entropy),
  • Bel Lluis (second ell is not a typo, aka Louis Bel; Bel decomposition, Bel–Robinson tensor),
  • Belinsky Vladimir A. (BKL conjecture, inverse scattering transform solution generating methods),
  • Bergmann Peter G. (Constrained Hamiltonian dynamics),
  • Bertotti Bruno (Bertotti/Robinson electrovacuum),
  • Birkhoff George David (Birkhoff's theorem),
  • Blanchet Luc (gravitational radiation),
  • Bondi Hermann (gravitational radiation, Bondi radiation chart, Bondi mass-energy-momentum, LTB dust, maverick models),
  • Bonnor William B. (Bonnor beam solution),
  • Boyer Robert H. (Boyer-Lindquist chart in Kerr vacuum),
  • Bray Hubert (Riemannian Penrose inequality),
  • Buchdahl Hans Adolph (Buchdahl fluid, Buchdahl theorem),
  • Brans Carl H. (Brans/Dicke theory),
  • Brill Dieter R. (Brill–Hartle geon, Brill mass, positive energy for axisymmetric spacetimes, Brill chart, extensions),
  • Brinkmann Hans W. (exact gravitational waves, Brinkmann chart),
  • Bunster Claudio (BTZ Black hole, Surface terms in Hamiltonian formulation),
  • Burke William L. (Burke potential, textbook),
  • Burko Lior M. (Black hole interiors, Beetle–Burko scalar),




  • Eddington Arthur Stanley (early book, Eddington chart on Schwarzschild vacuum, role of curvature, PPN formalism, popularizations of general relativity),
  • Ehlers Jurgen (Ehlers vacuum family, symmetries of PP waves, spacetime view of gravitational lensing, Newtonian limit),
  • Einstein Albert (the creator of general relativity, with various contributions too important to attempt to summarize here),
  • Ellis George F. R. (relativistic cosmological models, classification of curvature singularities, averaging problem in cosmology, gauge-invariant linear perturbations of spatially homogeneous cosmologies, "small universes", monograph, Virbhadra–Ellis lens equation),
  • Emparan Roberto (black rings)
  • Erez Gidon (Erez/Rosen vacuum),
  • Ernst Frederick J. (Ernst vacuum family, Ernst equation, solution generating methods, Ernst/Wild electrovacuum),
  • Eotvos Lorand (Eötvös) (Weak Equivalence Principle experiment),
  • Estabrook Frank B. (hyperbolic formulations of the EFE),


  • Farnsworth David L. (use of Lie groups in relativity, Kerr/Farnsworth ansatz),
  • Ferrari Valeria (Chandrasekhar/Ferrari colliding plane wave, Ferrari/Ibañez colliding plane wave, relativistic stars),
  • Feinstein Alexander (Inhomogeneous Cosmologies, Gravitational Solitons, Colliding Plane Waves, Tachyonic Inflation),
  • Feynman Richard (sticky bead argument [as 'Mr. Smith']),
  • Finkelstein David (rediscovered Eddington chart on Schwarzschild vacuum),
  • Friedrich Helmut (nonlinear global stability of de Sitter spacetime, peeling behavior is generic under small global nonlinear perturbations of Minkowksi spacetime, symmetric hyperbolic formulations of Einstein's field equations),
  • Fock Vladimir Aleksandrovich (textbook, harmonic chart),
  • Fodor Gyula (Fodor method for generating static spherically symmetric perfect fluid solutions),
  • Forward Robert L. (gravitational wave detectors),
  • Fowler William A. (relativistic stellar models, gravitational collapse),
  • Friedmann Alexander (Friedman cosmological models),
  • Friedman John L. (topological censorship),
  • Fronsdal Christian (Frønsdal) (global structure of Schwarzschild vacuum),









  • Nariai Hidekazu (Nariai Lambdavacuum solution),
  • Neugebauer Gernot (Neugebauer/Meinel dust disk solution),
  • Newman Ezra Ted (Newman–Penrose formalism, Kerr–Newman black hole solution, Janis–Newman–Winicour solution, NUT vacuum, RT spacetimes, relation of lensing to Weyl tensor),
  • Ni Wei-Tou (competing theory),
  • Nordstrom Gunnar (competing theory, RN electrovacuum),
  • Nordtvedt Kenneth (Nordtvedt effect, PPN formalism, competing theory),
  • Novikov Igor D. (Novikov chart in Schwarschild vacuum, No hair theorem, Accretion disks around black holes, monograph),


  • O' Brien S. (O'Brien/Synge matching conditions),
  • O' Donnell Peter (Lanczos potential theory),
  • O Murchadha Niall (initial value formulation, proof of the Penrose inequality in spherical symmetry (with E. Malec), mathematical relativity including analysis of quasi-local mass and the constraint equations),
  • Oppenheimer Robert (gravitational collapse, OS dust),
  • Ori Amos (black hole interiors, time machines, radiation reaction, gravitational collapse),
  • Ozsvath Istvan (Ozsváth/Schücking plane wave),


  • Papadopoulos Georgios O. (Papadopoulos-Xanthopoulos solution),
  • Papapetrou Achilles (chart for Ernst vacuum family, Majumdar-Papapetrou electrovacuums, Dixon-Papapetrou equations),
  • Patel L.K. (Vaidya-Patel solution),
  • Painleve Paul (Painlevé chart in Schwarzschild vacuum),
  • Penrose Roger (singularity theorems, conformal compactification and techniques from algebraic geometry, Penrose limits, cosmic censorship hypotheses, Penrose inequalities, geometry of gravitational plane waves, impulsive waves, Penrose/Khan colliding plane wave, Newman/Penrose formalism, twistor theory, Weyl curvature hypothesis, highly influential monograph),
  • Peres Asher (gravitational wave maverick),
  • Perjes Zoltan (relavistic multipoles, Ernst vacuums),
  • Perlick Volker (solution methods, strong lensing),
  • Petrov Alexei Zinovievich (A. Z. Petrov or Aleksey Zinovjevitch Petrov; Petrov classification of algebraic properties of Weyl curvatue tensor),
  • Piran Tsvi (gravitational collapse),
  • Pirani Felix A. E. (gravitational radiation, Petrov/Pirani classification of algebraic properties of Weyl curvature tensor),
  • Plebanski Jerzy F. (Plebanski vacuum, Plebanski action),
  • Podolsky Boris (EPR paradox),
  • Poisson Eric (black hole interiors, mass inflation, monograph),
  • Press William H. (gravitational wave astronomy, problem book),
  • Price Richard H. (power law decay of perturbations, problem book),





  • Tamburino Louis A. (NUT vacuum),
  • Taub Abraham Haskel (Taub plane symmetric vacuum, Taub-NUT vacuum, vacuum solutions foliated by Bianchi manifolds, relativistic hydrodynamics),
  • Taylor Joseph Hooton, Jr. (Hulse/Taylor pulsar),
  • Teukolsky Saul (master equation for perturbations of Kerr vacuum, problem book),
  • Thirring Hans (Lense/Thirring precession effect)
  • Thorne Kip S. (relativistic multipoles, hoop conjecture, membrane paradigm, gravitational wave detectors, textbook),
  • Tipler Frank J. (classification of curvature singularities)
  • Tolman Richard Chase (Tolman surface brightness test, Tolman dust solutions, LTB dust),
  • Trautman Andrzej (RT spacetimes),



  • Vaidya Prahalad Chunnilal ( Vaidya metric, Vaidya-Patel metric),
  • van Putten Maurice H.P.M. (textbook, model for long-duration GRBs from rotating black holes as LIGO/Virgo sources of GWs),
  • Verdaguer Enric (inverse scattering solution generating method),
  • Virbhadra Kumar Shwetketu (Virbhadra-Ellis lens equation Virbhadra-Ellis lens equation, Relativistic images [1], Photon surfaces [2], Observational test for the weak cosmic censorship hypothesis [3][4]),





  • Zakharov Vladimir E. (inverse scattering transform solution generating method),
  • Zeldovich Yakov Borisovich (early evidence for no hair theorem, first evidence of black hole radiation, maverick theories, relativistic stars and black holes),
  • Zerilli Frank J. (Zerilli-Wheeler equation),
  • Zipser Nina (global nonlinear stability of Minkowski a space of electrovacuums).


Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]



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