Σχετικιστικοί Φυσικοί Γης
- Aichelburg Peter C. (Aichelburg/Sexl ultraboost, generalized symmetries),
- Alcubierre Miguel (numerical relativity, warp drives),
- Allnut J. A. (Alnutt fluid solution),
- Aman Jan E. (Cartan/Karlhede classification, CLASSI GR computer algebra package),
- Arnowitt Richard L. (ADM formalism, ADM mass/energy),
- Ashtekar Abhay (Ashtekar variables, dynamical horizons),
- Qadir Asghar (Relativity, Astrophysics) Pakistan
- Baker Robert M. L. Jr. (high-frequency gravitational waves),
- Baldwin O. R. (Baldwin/Jeffery plane wave),
- Bardeen James M. (Bardeen vacuum, black hole mechanics, gauge-invariant linear perturbations of Friedmann-Lemaître cosmologies),
- Bartnik Robert (existence of ADM mass for asymptotically flat vacuums, quasilocal mass),
- Bekenstein Jacob (black hole entropy),
- Bel Lluis (second ell is not a typo, aka Louis Bel; Bel decomposition, Bel–Robinson tensor),
- Belinsky Vladimir A. (BKL conjecture, inverse scattering transform solution generating methods),
- Bergmann Peter G. (Constrained Hamiltonian dynamics),
- Bertotti Bruno (Bertotti/Robinson electrovacuum),
- Birkhoff George David (Birkhoff's theorem),
- Blanchet Luc (gravitational radiation),
- Bondi Hermann (gravitational radiation, Bondi radiation chart, Bondi mass-energy-momentum, LTB dust, maverick models),
- Bonnor William B. (Bonnor beam solution),
- Boyer Robert H. (Boyer-Lindquist chart in Kerr vacuum),
- Bray Hubert (Riemannian Penrose inequality),
- Buchdahl Hans Adolph (Buchdahl fluid, Buchdahl theorem),
- Brans Carl H. (Brans/Dicke theory),
- Brill Dieter R. (Brill–Hartle geon, Brill mass, positive energy for axisymmetric spacetimes, Brill chart, extensions),
- Brinkmann Hans W. (exact gravitational waves, Brinkmann chart),
- Bunster Claudio (BTZ Black hole, Surface terms in Hamiltonian formulation),
- Burke William L. (Burke potential, textbook),
- Burko Lior M. (Black hole interiors, Beetle–Burko scalar),
- Carminati John (CM invariants),
- Carr Bernard (self-similarity hypothesis, primordial black holes),
- Carter Brandon (no-hair theorem, black hole mechanics, variational principle for Ernst vacuums),
- Chandrasekhar Subrahmanyan (Chandrasekhar limit, colliding plane waves, quasinormal modes, relativistic stars, monograph),
- Chazy Jean (Chazy/Curzon vacuum),
- Choptuik Matthew W. Choptuik (critical phenomena in gravitational collapse, numerical relativity),
- Choquet-Bruhat Yvonne (formerly Yvonne Bruhat; initial value formulations),
- Christodoulou Demetrios (naked singularity in LTB dust, stability of Minkowski vacuum),
- Chrusciel Piotr T. (Chruściel) (asymptotics of RT vacuums, existence of vacuums admitting no maximal slicing, existence of Taub IX vacuums with nonunique extensions to NUT vacuum region, Cauchy horizons in T3-Gowdy vacuums),
- Clarke Christopher J. S. Clarke (textbooks),
- Claudel Clarisa-Marie/ Newman Richard P.A.C (Gravitational collapse and cosmic censorship, Photon surface)
- Coley Alan A. Coley (dynamics of minisuperspace, similarity hypothesis),
- Corvino Justin (construction of initial data not admitting conformal geometry approach, gravitational shielding),
- Corichi Alejandro (Fundamental contributions to quantum gravity and quantum loop gravity),
- Curzon H. E. J. Curzon (Chazy/Curzon vacuum),
- Damour Thibault (gravitational radiation)
- Darmois Georges (matching conditions, Darmois vacuum),
- Debever Robert (type D vacuum solutions),
- Demianski Marek (type D vacuum solutions),
- Deser Stanley (ADM initial value formulation, effective field theory),
- Detweiler Steven (quasinormal modes),
- DeWitt Bryce (Wheeler/DeWitt equation),
- Dicke Robert Henry (Brans/Dicke theory, PPN formalism, background radiation),
- d'Inverno Ray (textbook),
- Dirac Paul A.M. (graviton),
- Dixon William Graham (Dixon–Papapetrou equations),
- Dray Tevian (asymptotic structure, gravitational shock waves)
- Drever Ronald W. (gravitational wave detectors),
- Eddington Arthur Stanley (early book, Eddington chart on Schwarzschild vacuum, role of curvature, PPN formalism, popularizations of general relativity),
- Ehlers Jurgen (Ehlers vacuum family, symmetries of PP waves, spacetime view of gravitational lensing, Newtonian limit),
- Einstein Albert (the creator of general relativity, with various contributions too important to attempt to summarize here),
- Ellis George F. R. (relativistic cosmological models, classification of curvature singularities, averaging problem in cosmology, gauge-invariant linear perturbations of spatially homogeneous cosmologies, "small universes", monograph, Virbhadra–Ellis lens equation),
- Emparan Roberto (black rings)
- Erez Gidon (Erez/Rosen vacuum),
- Ernst Frederick J. (Ernst vacuum family, Ernst equation, solution generating methods, Ernst/Wild electrovacuum),
- Eotvos Lorand (Eötvös) (Weak Equivalence Principle experiment),
- Estabrook Frank B. (hyperbolic formulations of the EFE),
- Farnsworth David L. (use of Lie groups in relativity, Kerr/Farnsworth ansatz),
- Ferrari Valeria (Chandrasekhar/Ferrari colliding plane wave, Ferrari/Ibañez colliding plane wave, relativistic stars),
- Feinstein Alexander (Inhomogeneous Cosmologies, Gravitational Solitons, Colliding Plane Waves, Tachyonic Inflation),
- Feynman Richard (sticky bead argument [as 'Mr. Smith']),
- Finkelstein David (rediscovered Eddington chart on Schwarzschild vacuum),
- Friedrich Helmut (nonlinear global stability of de Sitter spacetime, peeling behavior is generic under small global nonlinear perturbations of Minkowksi spacetime, symmetric hyperbolic formulations of Einstein's field equations),
- Fock Vladimir Aleksandrovich (textbook, harmonic chart),
- Fodor Gyula (Fodor method for generating static spherically symmetric perfect fluid solutions),
- Forward Robert L. (gravitational wave detectors),
- Fowler William A. (relativistic stellar models, gravitational collapse),
- Friedmann Alexander (Friedman cosmological models),
- Friedman John L. (topological censorship),
- Fronsdal Christian (Frønsdal) (global structure of Schwarzschild vacuum),
- Geroch Robert P. (Geroch group, singularity theorems, GHP formalism),
- Godel Kurt (Gödel) (Gödel dust solution, closed timelike curves),
- Gowdy Robert H. (Gowdy solutions),
- Griffiths Jerry B. (colliding plane waves),
- Hansen Richard O. (Geroch–Hansen stationary relativistic multipole moments, Ashtekar–Hansen conformal completion),
- Harrison Kent B. (gravitational collapse, solution generating methods),
- Hartle James (quantum cosmology, textbook),
- Hawking Stephen W. (singularity theorems, Hawking radiation, monograph),
- Hellaby Charles W. (cosmological models),
- Hilbert David (variational principle),
- Hoenselaers Cornelius (solution generating methods, monograph)
- Hoffmann Banesh (EIH approximation),
- Hoyle Fred (maverick models),
- Hulse Russell (Hulse/Taylor pulsar),
- Ibanez Jose Maria (Ibañez) (colliding plane wave, solution generating methods, Ferrari/Ibañez colliding plane waves),
- Infeld Leopold (EIH approximation),
- Iorio Lorenzo (phenomenology of gravitoelectromagnetism and of modified models of gravity)
- Isaacson Richard (energy-momentum complex),
- Isenberg James A. (initial value formulations, gluing construction),
- Islam Jamal Nazrul (monograph) (Μπαγκλαντές),
- Israel Werner (no hair theorem, tidal forces around black hole singularities, black hole interiors and mass inflation),
- Jacobson Theodore (thermodynamical derivation of Einstein's field equation),
- Jantzen Robert T. (streamlined Bianchi classification, gravitoelectromagnetism),
- Jebsen Jοrg Tofte (Birkhoff's theorem),
- Jeffery George Barker (Baldwin/Jeffery plane wave),
- Jordan Pascual (Jordan/Brans/Dicke theory),
- Kantowski Ronald (Kantowski/Sachs fluids),
- Karlhede Anders (Cartan–Karlhede classification),
- Kasner Edward (Kasner dust solution),
- Kerr Roy Patrick (Kerr vacuum, Kerr/Schild metrics, use of Lie groups in relativity, Kerr/Farnsworth ansatz),
- Khalatnikov Isaak Markovich (BKL conjecture),
- Kinnersley William Morris (photon rocket),
- Klainerman Sergiu (global stability of Minkowski vacuum),
- Klein Oskar (Klein fluid, Kaluza–Klein theories),
- Komar Arthur (Komar energy-momentum integrals),
- Korotkin Dmitri R. (finite-gap solutions, solution generating methods),
- Kramer Dietrich (solution generating methods, monograph),
- Krasinski Andrzej (exact solutions),
- Kretschmann Erich (Kretschmann invariant),
- Kruskal Martin (KS chart for Schwarzschild vacuum),
- Kundt Wolfgang (EK classification of symmetries of pp waves),
- Lanczos Cornelius (Lanczos tensor, van Stockum dust),
- Landau Lev D. (LL complex, textbook),
- Lake Kayll (GRTensorII, Lake method for generating static spherically symmetric perfect fluids),
- Lemaitre Georges-Henri (cosmological model, LTB dust, Lemaître chart on Schwarzschild vacuum),
- Lemos Jose P. S. (Black holes with horizons with toroidal topology),
- Lense Josef (Lense/Thirring precession),
- Levi-Civita Tullio (static vacuums, C-metric),
- Lewis Robert M. (chart for Ernst vacuums),
- Lichnerowicz Andre (3+1 formalism, matching conditions, Lichnerowicz equation),
- Lifshitz Evgeny M. (Landau–Lifschitz gravitational energy-momentum complex, BKL conjecture, textbook),
- Lightman Alan P. (problem book),
- Lorentz Hendrik (Hamilton's principle, Coordinate-free formulation)
- MacCallum Malcolm A. H. (non-tilted spatially homogeneous cosmologies, exact solutions book),
- Mathisson Myron (Mathisson–Dixon–Papapetrou equations, Mathisson–Pirnai condition in the Kerr metric),
- Matzner Richard A. (popularized Penrose picture of gravitational wave, rotating cosmologies),
- Mars Marc (Mars vacuum),
- Maxwell David (Yamabe number criterion for existence of asymptotically flat vacuum solutions),
- McLenaghan Raymond G. (CM invariants),
- Meinel Reinhard (Neugebauer/Meinel dust disk solution),
- Melvin Mael A. (Melvin electrovacuum),
- Metzner Walter A. K. (Gravitational waves, Bondi–Metzner–Sachs Group)
- Minkowski Hermann (spacetime),
- Misner Charles W. (mixmaster model, ADM initial value formulation, ADM mass, textbook)
- Moffat John (various classical gravitation theories)
- Moncrief Vincent (global properties of spatially compact dynamical vacuum spacetimes),
- Moller Christian (energy-momentum complex),
- Mosharafa Moustafa (Relation of radiation, mass and energy),
- Nariai Hidekazu (Nariai Lambdavacuum solution),
- Neugebauer Gernot (Neugebauer/Meinel dust disk solution),
- Newman Ezra Ted (Newman–Penrose formalism, Kerr–Newman black hole solution, Janis–Newman–Winicour solution, NUT vacuum, RT spacetimes, relation of lensing to Weyl tensor),
- Ni Wei-Tou (competing theory),
- Nordstrom Gunnar (competing theory, RN electrovacuum),
- Nordtvedt Kenneth (Nordtvedt effect, PPN formalism, competing theory),
- Novikov Igor D. (Novikov chart in Schwarschild vacuum, No hair theorem, Accretion disks around black holes, monograph),
- O' Brien S. (O'Brien/Synge matching conditions),
- O' Donnell Peter (Lanczos potential theory),
- O Murchadha Niall (initial value formulation, proof of the Penrose inequality in spherical symmetry (with E. Malec), mathematical relativity including analysis of quasi-local mass and the constraint equations),
- Oppenheimer Robert (gravitational collapse, OS dust),
- Ori Amos (black hole interiors, time machines, radiation reaction, gravitational collapse),
- Ozsvath Istvan (Ozsváth/Schücking plane wave),
- Papadopoulos Georgios O. (Papadopoulos-Xanthopoulos solution),
- Papapetrou Achilles (chart for Ernst vacuum family, Majumdar-Papapetrou electrovacuums, Dixon-Papapetrou equations),
- Patel L.K. (Vaidya-Patel solution),
- Painleve Paul (Painlevé chart in Schwarzschild vacuum),
- Penrose Roger (singularity theorems, conformal compactification and techniques from algebraic geometry, Penrose limits, cosmic censorship hypotheses, Penrose inequalities, geometry of gravitational plane waves, impulsive waves, Penrose/Khan colliding plane wave, Newman/Penrose formalism, twistor theory, Weyl curvature hypothesis, highly influential monograph),
- Peres Asher (gravitational wave maverick),
- Perjes Zoltan (relavistic multipoles, Ernst vacuums),
- Perlick Volker (solution methods, strong lensing),
- Petrov Alexei Zinovievich (A. Z. Petrov or Aleksey Zinovjevitch Petrov; Petrov classification of algebraic properties of Weyl curvatue tensor),
- Piran Tsvi (gravitational collapse),
- Pirani Felix A. E. (gravitational radiation, Petrov/Pirani classification of algebraic properties of Weyl curvature tensor),
- Plebanski Jerzy F. (Plebanski vacuum, Plebanski action),
- Podolsky Boris (EPR paradox),
- Poisson Eric (black hole interiors, mass inflation, monograph),
- Press William H. (gravitational wave astronomy, problem book),
- Price Richard H. (power law decay of perturbations, problem book),
- Quevedo Hernando (relativistic multipoles, exact solutions),
- Rainich George Yuri (Rainich conditions),
- Raychaudhuri Amal Kumar (Raychaudhuri equation),
- Racz Istvan (spacetime extensions)
- Regge Tullio (Regge calculus),
- Reissner Hans (RN electrovacuum),
- Rendall Alan D. (Fuchsian analysis of non-oscillatory spacetime singularities, dynamics of Einstein-Vlasov systems),
- Rindler Wolfgang (Rindler chart for Minkowski vacuum),
- Ringstrom Hans (strong cosmic censorship holds for T3-Gowdy vacuums),
- Roberts Mark D. (exact scalar Einstein solutions),
- Robertson Howard Percy (role of curvature, PPN formalism, RW metric),
- Robinson Ivor (Bel/Robinson tensor, Bertotti/Robinson electrovacuum),
- Rosen Nathan (gravitational wave maverick, Erez-Rosen solution, EPR paradox, Einstein-Rosen bridge, Einstein-Rosen gravitational waves),
- Ruffini Remo (particle motion in black holes, textbook),
- Ryan Michael P. (rotating cosmological models),
- Sachs Rainer K. (peeling theorem, optical scalars, Kantowski/Sachs fluid solutions, Sachs-Wolfe effect, Bondi-Metzner-Sachs group),
- Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich (vacuum fluctuations),
- Schild Alfred (Kerr/Schild metrics, Schild's ladder),
- Schiff Leonard Isaac (PPN formalism, textbook),
- Schleich Kristin (topological censorship, chaos, quantum cosmology),
- Schmidt Bernd G. (Geroch group, classification of curvature singularities, b-boundary, quasinormal modes),
- Schoen Richard (positive energy theorem, gravitational shielding),
- Schucking Engelbert (Ozsváth/Schücking plane wave),
- Schutz Bernard F. (gravitational wave detectors, textbook),
- Schwarzschild Karl (Schwarzscild solution, Schwarzschild radius, Event horizon, Schwarzschild vacuum, Schwarzschild fluid),
- Sciama Dennis William (Einstein-Cartan theory, role in legitimizing black hole concept),
- Senovilla Jose M. M. (Senovilla dust),
- Shapiro Irwin I. (Shapiro effect, observational tests),
- Shapley Harlow (rotating cosmologies),
- Sharp David H. (Sharp-Misner mass, quasilocal energy-momentum),
- Shepley Lawrence (rotating cosmological models),
- Singleton Douglas A. (asymptotics of RT spacetimes),
- de Sitter Willem (or deSitter; deSitter Lambdavacuum solution, deSitter precession),
- Snyder Hartland (OS collapsing dust model),
- Stephani Hans (Stephani dust solution, monograph, textbook),
- Stewart John M. (singularities of wavefronts of gravitational waves, monograph),
- van Stockum Willem Jacob (van Stockum dust),
- Synge John Lighton (global structure of Schwarzschild vacuum, world function, O'Brien/Synge matching conditions),
- Szabados Laszlo B. (quasilocal energy-momentum)
- Szekeres Peter (Szekeres metric, colliding plane waves, Szekeres fluid),
- Tamburino Louis A. (NUT vacuum),
- Taub Abraham Haskel (Taub plane symmetric vacuum, Taub-NUT vacuum, vacuum solutions foliated by Bianchi manifolds, relativistic hydrodynamics),
- Taylor Joseph Hooton, Jr. (Hulse/Taylor pulsar),
- Teukolsky Saul (master equation for perturbations of Kerr vacuum, problem book),
- Thirring Hans (Lense/Thirring precession effect)
- Thorne Kip S. (relativistic multipoles, hoop conjecture, membrane paradigm, gravitational wave detectors, textbook),
- Tipler Frank J. (classification of curvature singularities)
- Tolman Richard Chase (Tolman surface brightness test, Tolman dust solutions, LTB dust),
- Trautman Andrzej (RT spacetimes),
- Uggla Claes (dynamical systems techniques in relativistic gravitation, exact solutions)
- Unruh William G. (Unruh radiation),
- Unti Theodore (NUT vacuum),
- Vaidya Prahalad Chunnilal ( Vaidya metric, Vaidya-Patel metric),
- van Putten Maurice H.P.M. (textbook, model for long-duration GRBs from rotating black holes as LIGO/Virgo sources of GWs),
- Verdaguer Enric (inverse scattering solution generating method),
- Virbhadra Kumar Shwetketu (Virbhadra-Ellis lens equation Virbhadra-Ellis lens equation, Relativistic images [1], Photon surfaces [2], Observational test for the weak cosmic censorship hypothesis [3][4]),
- Wahlquist Hugo D. (Wahlquist fluid),
- Wainwright John (dynamical systems techniques in relativistic cosmology, exact solutions)
- Wald Robert M. (textbook, black hole perturbations, electric fields outside a black hole, quantum field theory on curved spacetimes),
- Walker Arthur Geoffrey Walker (Fermi/Walker derivatives, Robertson-Walker metric),
- Wang Anzhong (Gravitational Collapse, Cosmology and Horava-Lifshtz Gravity)
- Weber Joseph (gravitational wave detectors),
- Weyl Hermann (Weyl vacuums; see also related list below),
- Wheeler John Archibald (coined name "black holes" and popularized them, geometrodynamics, relativistic stars, Zerilli-Wheeler equation, Wheeler-DeWitt equation, textbook),
- Whitehead Alfred North (competing theory),
- Whiting Bernard F. (mode stability of Kerr geometry, regularized Green's functions for classical and quantum fields),
- Wild Walter J. (Ernst/Wild electrovacuum),
- Will Clifford Martin (PPN formalism),
- Winicour Jeffrey (JNS mcmsf solution, characteristic evolution and matching),
- Witt Donald M. (topological censorship, chaos),
- Witten Edward (positive energy theorem),
- Witten Louis (Witten electrovacuum solutions),
- Xanthopoulos Basilis C. (Xanthopoulous Vasilis) ( Chandrasekhar-Xanthopoulos colliding plane wave),
- Yau Shing-Tung (positive energy theorem),
- York James W. (initial value formulation),
- Yurtsever Ulvi (almost planar gravitational waves),
- Zakharov Vladimir E. (inverse scattering transform solution generating method),
- Zeldovich Yakov Borisovich (early evidence for no hair theorem, first evidence of black hole radiation, maverick theories, relativistic stars and black holes),
- Zerilli Frank J. (Zerilli-Wheeler equation),
- Zipser Nina (global nonlinear stability of Minkowski a space of electrovacuums).
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