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XIV Αιγυπτιακή Δυναστεία

Egyptian Dynasty XIV


Αρχαία Αίγυπτος
Ηγεμόνες Αρχαίας Αιγύπτου
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Ακολουθούν οι αυτοκράτορες (φαραώ) της 14ης Αιγυπτιακής Δυναστείας, κατά χρονολογική σειρά.


Ikl Ηγεμόνες Ikl
της Αιγύπτου
14η Δυναστεία XIV
  • [[ ]]
Ονόματα Μανέθωνα
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DYNASTY XIV ( 14th ) 1710 - 1590 Imperators (Αυτοκράτορες) Ξόϊς

Dating by Sitek Manethon refers 76 kings without names. The list presented below, although including 50 royal names, is only a part of the royal register supplied by the Turin Canon. The rulers of XIVth Dynasty found their seat at Xois in the western Delta. The rulers, known to us only by their names, were to pay tribute to the kings of XVth and XVIth Hyksos Dynasties ruling then in Avaris in the western Delta and having strong influence on the rest of the land The Horus Names of kings of this dynasty are unknown.

Aa-seh-Re ( = Ra is great in council) or Nehesi ( = Nubian) son of ? and Peret *Asechris (*Άσεχρις) ? - ?

One of few rulers of this dynasty that rule is documented in artifacts. Obelisk in front of temple of Seth at Raahu (north-east Delta), two stele of Tell Habwe, scarabs, pillar of Tanis with Nehesi’s mother name mentioned on it, Peret, are only some of them. In M. Bietak opinion Nehesi’s father might have been either Egyptian administrator or warrior that usurped royal rule in north-eastern Delta at that time. Turin Canon places Nehesi as a second one in the kings of dynasty XIV register.

Khai-ti-Re son of *Chatris (*Χάτρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned in the Turin Canon.

Neb-faw-Re ( = Ra is the lord of magnificence)

son of

*Nebauris (*Νέβαυρις) ? - ? (1 yer, 5mnhs)

According to Turin Canon this king, ruled one year, 5 months and 15 days.

She-eb-Re ( = he who is strenghtened by Ra) son of *Sehebris (*Σέχεβρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned in the Turin Canon.

Meri-djefa-Re son of *Mertiphris (*Μέρτιφρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned in the Turin Canon.

Suadj-ka-Re (II) son of *Sydichris II (*Σύδιχρις Β΄) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned in the Turin Canon.

Neb-djefa-Re ( = Ra is the lord of nourishment ) son of *Nebediphris (*Νεβέδιφρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned in the Turin Canon.

…-wben-Re son of *Ubenris I (*Ούβενρις Α΄) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned in the Turin Canon.


son of *Difris (*Δίφρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned in the Turin Canon.


son of *Ubenris II (*Ούβενρις Β΄) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned in the Turin Canon.

Awt-ib-Re son of *Autibris (*Αύτιβρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned in the Turin Canon.

Herw-ib-Re ( = Ra of the happy heart ) son of *Cherobris (*Χέρωβρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

> Neb-sen-Re ( = Ra is their lord ) son of *Nebesenris (*Νεβέσενρις) ? - ? (5 mnhs)

His throne name is documented by Turin Canon. The same source assigns to him a short rule of 5 months and 20 days.

Sekheper-en-Re ( = shaped by Ra) son of *Seceprenris (*Σεκέπρενρις) ? - ? (2mnhs)

The name of this king is confirmed in Turin Canon that ascribes to him 2 months and one day of rule

Djed-kheru-Re son of *Dedicerris

(*Δεδίκερρις)	? - ?

(2 mnhs)

Obscure ruler in a part of the Delta. Turin Canon gives evidence for only 2 months and 5 days of reign.

Sankh-ib-Re son of *Sancibris (*Σάνκιβρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Ka-nefer-tum-Re son of *Canephretomris (*Κανεφρέτωμρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

> Sekhem-...-Re son of *Secemris (*Σέκεμρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Ka-kemet-Re son of *Cacemtris (*Κάκεμτρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

> Nefer-ib-Re ( = the heart of Ra is perfect) son of *Nephrebris (*Νέφρεβρις) ? - ?

The throne name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

  • Aos

> A...(?) son of *Άως ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

> Khai-...-Re son of *Cairis (*Κάϊρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Ankh-ka-Re son of *Ancachris (*Άγκαχρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Semen-...-Re son of *Semneris (*Σέμνερις ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Djed-...-Re I son of ? *Dedris I (*Δέδρις Α΄) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

> Senefer-...-Re son of *Snephreris (*Σνέφρερις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

> Men-ib-Re son of *Menibris (*Μένιβρις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Djed-...-Re II son of ? *Dedris II (*Δέδρις Β΄ ) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Inek... son of *Incis (*Ίγκις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

I... son of *Ios (Ίως) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Ip... son of Ipis (*Ίπις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Hebi son of *Chebis (*Χέβις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Aped son of *Apedis (*Απέδις) ? - ?

Presumably fictitious royal name inscribed on Turin Papirus.

Hepw son of *Chepos (*Χέπως) ? - ?

Presumably fictitious royal name inscribed on Turin Papyrus.

Shemsu son of *Semsis (*Σέμσις) ? - ?

Name of this ruler is interpreted as Henchman. Probably fictitious character, mentioned solely on Turin Canon

Meni son of *Menis (Μένις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Wrkai son of Uercaius (*Βαρκαίος) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

...-ka-Re I son of Charis Ι (*Χάρις Α΄) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

...-ka-Re II son of *Charis II (*Χάρις Β΄) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Hepu-... son of *Chepis (*Χέπις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Anati son of Anathis (Άναθις) ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

  • Bebnemis

> Bebnem son of *Βέβνεμις ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

  • Iophis

Iuf... son of *Ίωφις ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

  • Sethis II

Seth II son of *Σέθις Β΄ ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

  • Sinis

Sinu ( = the Sage) son of *Σίνις ? - ?

Probably fictitious character, mentioned in Turin Canon.

Hor III son of Χώρ Γ΄ ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

  • Nibephis

N-ib-ef ( = He is not thirsty) son of *Νίβεφις ? - ?

Presumably name of a king who had never existed. This name is mentioned only in Turin Canon.

Penest-en-septi son of *Πνεστένσεπτις ? - ?

The name of this king is mentioned only in the Turin Canon.

Kher-hem-wet-shepsut (= the one who seizes [posesses] noble wives) son of *Χερχεμώτσεψις ? - ?

Regarded as a fictitious figure

Khui-hem-wet ( = defender of women) son of *Κωχέμωθις ? - ?

Most likely he was fictitious figure.

Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]



Ikl Κίνδυνοι ΧρήσηςIkl

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