- Ιστορική χώρα της Μικράς Ασίας κατά την Χετταϊκή Εποχή.
Πρότυπο:Hittite Lands
Η ονομασία "[[]]" σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά, με την λέξη "[[]]".
- Β.:
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Οι σημαντικότερες πόλεις της είναι:
- Τα σημαντικότερα όρη της είναι:
- Οι σημαντικότεροι ποταμοί της είναι:
Pitassa was a border city state , not yet discovered, located in the western part of Anatolia , north of ancient Pisidia and close to the Hittite territories. Some scholars have agreed to place it north of the Konya plain . The Turks consider that the name is an antecedent of Pisidia .
It is mentioned in the archives of the Bronze Age in Hattusa . Its name seems luvita , and constituted, occasionally, the border between Hatti and the successive territories of Arzawa .
Madduwatta, king of Arzawa, plucked Pitassa from the hands of the Hittite king Arnuwanda I ( 1400 - 1385 BC ), at the end of the 15th century BC. C. or first half of XIV . Decades later Suppiluliuma I reconquered it ( c.1330 BC ). After the Hittite conquest of Arzawa , Mashuiluwa, king of Mira , incited a revolt c. ( 1310 BC ) against the Hittite power, which was joined by the kingdom of Masa , Kuwaliya and Pitassa. Before the end of the century, Mursili II ( 1321- 1295 a. C. , son of Suppiluliuma, marched against Pitassas and subjugated her.
During the reign of Hattusili III it is mentioned as border lands with the kingdom of Tarhuntassa .
It has been speculated that perhaps it was the city of Abydos , located in the Hellespont .
Οι λαοί που την κατοίκησαν σε διάφορες ιστορικές περιόδους ήταν:
Εσωτερική Αρθρογραφία[]
- Χετταίοι
- Χετταϊκή Αυτοκρατορία
- Wilusa
- Truisa
- Mira
- Kuwalya
- Hapalla
- Seha River Land
- Arzawa
- Assuwa
- Masa
- Karkisa
- Arawanna
- Pitassa
- Ahhiyawa
- Hittite Lower Country
- Hittite Upper Country
- Kizzuwatna
- Kaska Land
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